Thursday, January 31, 2008
Video: THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE TRAILER Done Totally With Lego Toys!
Tonight a friend of mine at MySpace told me about this fan-made parody-trailer that literally just came out. It's THE DARK KNIGHT Batman movie trailer done totally with Lego toys & bricks!! It's hilarious, ha ha ha!! Whoever did it did a great job, ha ha!

Video: McDonald's Happy Meal TV Commercial w/ Batman Returns Toys
OK, I did a previous post about these McDonald's HAPPY MEAL TOYS for the BATMAN RETURNS movie with a different Vintage-Retro TV commercial. This one is a shorter variation but still pretty cool to see. I hope there are some Fast Food Toys for The Dark Knight, that would be very cool!

Batman Returns,
Happy Meal,
TV Commercial,

As Batman Collectors we all know how the marketing people go crazy making every kind of Batman product they can & thank God because it gives us some cool stuff to collect, ha ha! Well, here's a few examples of "Batman Beverages" through out history: The 1st photo is one of my favorites. It's a can of Batman Sparkling Soda from the Cott-Cola Company ©1960's & as you can imagine it is quite RARE! The next example is newer but still extremely RARE. It's a drink-pouch of Orange Drink from Bulgaria. Yes, you read that right...Bulgaria! ( I would really like to have one of these babies, just because it's so unusual ). The 3rd photo is kinda common but still pretty cool. It's a quart carton of All-Star Fruit Punch from 1966. As you can see it has beautiful graphics all around it. They also made other flavors including Grape & Orange. The next "Bat-Beverage" came out just a year or 2 ago. It's one of those Bellywashers novelty drinks you see in grocery stores & truck stops. I think these are kinda cool & when they have make a Batman one I always get it. I think there are about 3 variations. OK, I saved the best for last! The 5th photo is an original store display poster from the 1960's to sell Batman Chocolate Milk. I think these were put out by All-Star, the company that made the Fruit-Punch up above. This is a large poster that is double-sided. So, usually when you find one there's a side that is faded & the other side is MINT. These look really cool framed to hang in the kitchen...sweet! Hmmm, ok, do any Bat-Blog readers have examples of "Bat-Beverages" not shown here? I know they also did a 1989 Bat-Cola in Australia that's pretty cool & some in the UK that had graphics from Batman: The Animated Series. Please send some photos today!
What Batman Thinks About Gun Control

I remember the 1st time I saw the new BATPOD Motorcycle that's gonna be in The Dark Knight, the next Batman movie. I was kinda mad because it had those giant-size guns on the front. Now, don't get me wrong, I think the new Bat-Bike looks really really great & is very unique. It has an awesome post-modern look that is refreshing to see. But, there was some Hollywood Industrial Designer-Guy who said, "Huge guns are cool!". Well, anyone who knows the Batman character knows he doesn't like guns one single bit. His parents were killed by a hand gun for Christ sake. Through out the history of the Batman comic books there has always been a theme with Batman & his rejection of guns. It's been an issue from the very beginning all the way to modern times. The other day, while surfing the net, I came across a story by this guy who is trying to collect all the "moments" where Batman is confronted with using a gun & how he rejects it. Here's a link to check it out. I think it's sort of in "rough-draft" but it's still pretty interesting to read & has some cool graphics. He's asking people who have pictures, or scans, of Batman with a gun to send them in. ( Ha Ha, take a look at picture up above where Batman is shoving a gun into the mouth of a criminal. It has the trademark logo "Grell", which I think is an homage to the famous Batman artist Mike Grell, kinda funny ).
Comic Books,
Gun Control,
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Video: Julie Newmar ( 1966 Catwoman ) in Korvettes TV Commercial - 1976
Here's some extremely RARE footage of a Vintage TV Commercial from 1976. It features Julie Newmar who we all know & love as the Catwoman from the 1966 Batman TV Show!

Julie Newmar,
TV Commercial,
TV Show,

Remember, we post 2 Free Batman Wallpapers EVERY Wednesday! One of my favorite things about doing this Batman Fan site is getting e-mails from readers who like to share their love of the Batman character. Well, I got this letter from a guy named Jason, he wrote, "I really love your blog; it's one of the first sites I check every day. Here's a couple of Neal Adams wallpapers, made from album covers from Power Records, circa 1975. Hope you can use them!". Heck Yeah we can use 'em, they're awesome! Thank you Jason. I have a few of these records in my personal collection & really love them. My sister & I , as little kids, used to play them all the time, ha ha! Good times, yeah, good times. Plus, I am a HUGE Fan of the Batman artwork of Neal Adams so that's another reason. Oh yeah, the last wallpaper, I put the Bat-Blog Logo in there, ha ha, another shameless promotion.
Neal Adams,

Batman Begins,
Christian Bale,
The Dark Knight
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Video: PARKER and WAYNE, a Marvel / DC Comics Parody
OK, This video is kinda silly but ya gotta admit it is very FUNNY! Basically, Peter Parker ( Spiderman ) & Bruce Wayne ( Batman ) become partners. It's sort of a "Buddy Cop" movie...Check It Out!

Bruce Wayne,
Peter Parker,
MADE IN JAPAN: Vintage 1960's Japanese BATMAN Toys

Oh My God! OK, regular readers of the bat-Blog know that I am totally goo-goo over the 60's Japanese batman Toys, ha ha! Well, here are some amazing examples. The 1st one is a Battery-Operated Tin Toy of a BATMAN TANK, shown in the original box. This is a piece worthy of exhibit at a museum! I seriously love the vintage graphics on the box even though I can understand the Japanese language, at all! The toy is also extremely cool. The next photo are some playing card pieces from an older Menko Game. I really like how the colors are off just enough to avoid copyright laws, ha ha! The last photo are a pair of Batman Books. Ok, they're NOT toys but they are vintage 60's Japan so that's cool!
THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Reeces Candy Promotional Poster

In a previous post we showed the graphic art for the packaging to the Reeces Candy that will feature pictures of Christian Bale as Batman, from The Dark Knight Batman movie. Yes, they're gonna make "Batman-Themed" Reeces Pieces & Peanut Butter Cups, ha ha! Well, this just came in. This is the Promo Poster for the sale of the candy bars...with an awesome photo of Batman from the movie! I love how the background as an extremely detailed photo of Gotham City plus you get another look at the Batman-Suit costume. These will probably be displayed in convenience stores & when they do I'm gonna have to pester my friend who works at 7-11 to let me have one, ha ha!
Christian Bale,
The Dark Knight
DC Direct: NEW PHOTOS of The NEAL ADAMS BATMAN Black and White Statue!

I got an e-mail this morning from Jason Spyda Adams, the sculptor/artist of the new NEAL ADAMS BLACK & WHITE Sculpture from DC Direct. I was really happy to see this super-sharp color photo of the completed piece of art, it's beautiful! The attention to detail is very impressive & the funny thing, to me, is that it looks exactly like Neal Adams' art. ( Please click on the picture above to see the larger, more detailed, photo ). As a toy collector I'm really kinda loyal to the older vintage toys & have stayed away from all the cool Batman statues that have come out over the last few years, mainly because of budget. They're kind of expensive & my money is limited. ( Yeah, being poor sucks, ha ha! ). But, these "Black & White" statues from DC Direct are very affordable. Now, this one of Neal Adams' artwork....It's really amazing & extremely well-done. For nostalgic reasons ( I grew up reading comic books in the 1970's ) I might have to break-down & get this one! If you're thinking about getting one then here's a place with great service & good the button below.
Black and White,
DC Direct,
Jason Spyda Adams,
Neal Adams,
Monday, January 28, 2008
Desktop Background: THE DARK KNIGHT Movie Bat-Logo Wallpaper

Here's a wallpaper of THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie Logo that you can use to brighten your desktop or please feel free to use it in a MySpace layout. It was e-mailed to us this morning from a Bat-Blog reader who wanted to share it with everybody, that's great. Thank you Jeff... keep 'em coming! :) He wrote, "I found this on the net & thought of the Bat-Blog 1st thing. I don't think it's an official graphic from Warner Brothers but it is very cool looking." Yes Jeff, it's extremely cool. I like the 3-D quality of it....nice. I want t invite ALL of our readers to send pics. That way we always have some great stuff & good variety. Thanks again Jeff.
The Dark Knight,
Warner Bros
BATMAN BIRTHDAY CAKE Photo: Happy Birthday Jordan!

Our friend Jordan, who has sent us a lot of really great photos, sent this one the other day because his birthday was the day right after mine, that's cool. The photo is of his Batman Birthday Cake that his lovely wife Natalie had made for him. It looks like a "Batman: The Animated Series" theme. I like how the cake artist used white icing to make the "Batmobile smoke-exhaust", that's funny. Thanks for sending us the cool photo Jordan & tell Natalie that's she's sweet for creating a Batman Party! Happy Belated-Birthday!! ( If any other readers have photos of their Batman Parties then please send us some photos to share! )
Birthday Cake,
Batman & Robin Fight Crime With Hostess Fruit Pies!

I've reprinted a few of these vintage comic book ads featuring Hostess Fruit Pie/Cupcake products in the past & people really love 'em. They always crack me up! I like how they look just like a comic book page & they "trick you" into reading them. This is a very clever idea. I don't know why they still don't do them, they're great! You could see these in comic books from the 1970's to the late 80's & they made a ton of them. I love how the criminals, villains, or terrorists are really getting into their crime & then all of a sudden, once they see Hostess products, their brains go completely dead & they forget about doing crime! Also, It's funny how they instantly give up, ha ha! Be sure to click on the picture above for a larger, more readable, version.
comic book,
Fruit Pies,
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Vintage 1966 Batman Movie Poster From Argentina!

I was quite surprised this morning, when opening my e-mail, that I got a response from my friend Paulo who lives in Argentina. He apologized for not writing in awhile & it was really great to hear from him. He also attached this wonderful photo, a Vintage 1966 Batman Movie Poster from Argentina ( All in Spanish ) with cool pics of Adam West & Burt Ward! OK, Paulo, you're forgiven, ha ha!
Adam West,
Burt Ward,
Movie Poster,
TV Show,
Vintage Poster
Pop Artist Stephen Jones Gets Inspiration From Vintage Batman!

A friend at MySpace sent me a link to an artist who gets a lot of inspiration from Batman, especially the golden & silver age era. His name is Stephen Jones & his stuff is pretty cool. His most recent painting is an image taken from the famous Adam West LIFE Magazine cover from 1966. Another piece of art is a Circle Painting ( I think that's called "Tondo" in the art galleries ) with a graphic that looks a lot like Batman & Robin artwork by the Golden Age Comic Book Artist Dick Sprang. The last one, is easy to guess, was totally inspired by the 1966 TV Show ( That one is my favorite! ). Down below is a link where you can check out more of his art. If there are ANY readers who have Batman-related art to share then please send us some links or photos. Also, please leave some comments down below & let us know what you think of his pop art...thanks!
Adam West,
Dick Sprang,
Golden Age,
Pop Art,
Silver Age,
TV Show
DC BATTLEAGUE Batman Action Figures Game By MATTEL

Whatever happened to the new line of toys called DC BATTLEAGUE?? I just got done researching on the internet for quite awhile & have found no answers. A few people have said they have spotted them at Toys-R-Us & even seen them on eBay but I checked both sites & nothing! There's not even any reports of these figures being canceled by Mattel, very weird! If ANYONE has some information about this please let me know. For people who have not heard of them yet Mattel plans on having a new game with mini-figures ( not tiny like Heroclix ) of many of the DC Comics Superheroes. There's suppose to be a ton of Batman characters like Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman, etc...Mattel presented these at the 2007 Toy Fair & they were should have been released already, like last July. These figures look really incredible & it woud be a total shame if they were not put out....strange!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Vintage 1970's "Kid in Superman Costume" Family Photo

Our friend Brian sent this very cool vintage photo of himself when he was a little kid in the early 1970's. It's him dressed-up in his Superman superhero outfit. I know it's not "Batman-related" but it's still kinda funny & very cool! Brian wrote, "I'm sending a new photo of myself just for fun. It's me in the Superman costume from the vintage Batman/Superman costume ad that you posted a few days ago. This is from about 1972 or 73 complete with 70's wood paneling and a Spock haircut. :) It looks like they dropped the red shorts portion of the costume by the time I got my hands on one. I know this isn't appropriate for the Bat-Blog since it's not really Batman related. I just thought you might get a kick out of seeing this." Ha Ha Ha, Yes! Thanks for sending this Brian. The old photo and Superman costume are really really great ( I love old pics like this )! I want to invite our readers to e-mail us with their classic photographs, even if they are not Batman-related. ( But, Batman stuff is better, ha ha ). Thanks.
A. K. A. Gallery ( Oklahoma City, OK ) Presents Colleen Cunningham, a Batman Inspired Artist

On February 1st ( 6:00 pm to 9:00 ), in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma the A. K. A. Gallery will have an opening reception for an artist named Colleen Cunningham. This artist uses a technique known as collage where she pieces together art prints that are very surreal & heavily influenced by pop culture. From her current work it seems her main inspiration is Batman! Up above are just a few examples. It looks like she has appropriated Batman, Robin, & Catwoman. She has some other works with Marvel Superheros too. I would like to invite our readers in this area to come check it out. The gallery is located at 3001 Paseo in the Paseo Arts District. Readers outside the state ( or the USA ) can visit the A. K.A. Gallery MySpace page where you can see a small sample of work. I've added a link button down below, if you're interested. Oh yeah, as a personal note, the artwork with Batman is my favorite, ha ha! Please let me know which one you like the best by commenting down below, thanks.
aka gallery,
Art Gallery,
Colleen Cunningham,
Fine Art,
Oklahoma City,
Pop Art,
Pop Culture,
Friday, January 25, 2008

I received a request from 2 different Bat-Blog Readers to please please please make another JOKER/HEATH LEDGER desktop wallpaper so here's one for each of you, ha ha. I hope you like them Mike & Lisa! Ya' know, you can always check our Archives for more wallpaper backgrounds because we have like over 100 of them here. Please let me know if you use these. I wanna see them at your MySpace pages & I think it's great that you're using them for a tribute page, that's cool.
Heath Ledger,
The Dark Knight,
The Joker,

Here's some brand-new photos of some new Batman Toys that are gonna come out during The Dark Knight movie. Two of them are "Toy Vehicles" with Batman figures. One looks like a Space-Age Super Bat-Jet, the other a Snow Plow. Does Batman go into the snow removal business? OK, The second one looks very military, like a tank, ha ha! I don't think these are gonna actually BE in the movie, just "made up", who knows. The Bat-Jet would be kinda cool! The picture in the middle shows an Action Figure Play Set that comes with a Bat-Gun that shoots a suction-cup ( Be careful, you'll put your eye out ). After you release the line you can put Batman on there so the Dark knight can slide over to the scene of the crime. That one looks pretty cool. "Take that Joker!"
Action Figures,
The Dark Knight,
Is Julie Newmar ( Catwoman 1966 TV Show ) Still Sexy at 70?

We think so! Ha Ha, Last year I was really surprised to get a "friend request" at my MySpace page from the real Julie Newmar. OK, it's probably her assistant, but it was still an honor! Julie Newmar is still alive & kickin' & just as feisty as she ever was. Of course we all know her as Catwoman from the 1966 TV Series. She was one of the very best villains on that show. To stay connected to her fans she created a MySpace page & the pin-up photo you see above is one of her latest pictures she released...MEOW! I had to think about if I was gonna post it or not because it's kinda too sexy & I do try to keep this blog clean, to a degree, because I know children visit here ( Kids love Batman ). But I thought, what's wrong with this picture? She looks great & it's not anything you wouldn't see on any billboard or magazine cover. Ya gotta admit, for a lady in her early 70's she still looks pretty good, meow!
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ya know, the Bat-Blog has been covering a lot of the news & tributes to Heath Ledger's death that it's been kinda depressing so I thought I would try to brighten everyone's mood with some humor photos. ( I don't mean any disrespect to Heath ). Here's a photo sent in by a Bat-Blog Reader who collects pictures of custom cars. He loves the Batmobile cars & when he sees some funny ones he saves them. He sent us these..."YYYEEE HHAAAWW! I DONE MADE ME A BATMOBILE, Bang Bang Bang!"
Heath Ledger Tributes by Warner Brothers & Various People
My e-mail box has been flooding with letters about people expressing their grief over Heath Ledger's death. They have been very touching. Here are just a few of the pictures some people have attached. Jim wrote us that the Official Warner Brothers website released this image today.

Here's a photo sent in by a reader who lives near SoHo in New York City & this is what the front of Heath Ledger's apartment looks like today. I really like the Australian flag, that's a nice sentiment.

This last picture was one I came across while surfing through MySpace. I thought it was pretty interesting.

Here's a photo sent in by a reader who lives near SoHo in New York City & this is what the front of Heath Ledger's apartment looks like today. I really like the Australian flag, that's a nice sentiment.

This last picture was one I came across while surfing through MySpace. I thought it was pretty interesting.

Heath Ledger,
New York City,
The Dark Knight,
The Joker,
Warner Bros