I was a little kid in the 70's, collecting comic books & playing with superhero Mego dolls, so that's a special era for me... nostalgia-wise. Recently, a Bat-Blog Reader named Jim sent us this picture of a Batman Belt Buckle he's had since he was a little kid. It's from ©1975 so that means he has kept it for 33 years, that's cool! ( Thanks for sending us the nice photos Jim ). I was thinking about other 70's Batman items that I enjoyed & one of them was the Comic Reader. Everytime I bought some comics at my local comic book shop the owner was nice enough to throw in a free copy of this fanzine. It covered the recent comic book releases but the main thing was that the cover was always done by a famous comic book artist. This issue had a graphic of Batman done by Mike Grell, one of my favorites artists of the time ( him & Neal Adams plus Jim Aparo ). These are kinda hard to find today. The last Batman item is actually BATGIRL! This is a pair of Mint-In-Package Batgirl Underoos. Ok, anybody who grew-up in the early 70's knew how important these were! Basically the concept was to market kid's underwear using superhero costumes. You could get a pair of these that made you look just like Superman, Spiderman, or Aquaman! I used to live in mine ( they were Batman & not Wonder Woman, ha ha! ). This was a great marketing idea & a very cool product... Some company ought to bring these back!