Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Batman Funny Humor : Original 1966 Batman Begins Poster

Here's a really great photoshopped piece of ART! This is a "Movie Poster" done in the graphic style of the newer BATMAN BEGINS movie but it features the 1966 TV Show Batman, Adam West. This movie is called BATMAN BEGAN, ha ha ha! Whoever did it did a super-great job on it. Today I was feeling like posting some funny Batman pictures & the humor on this was so good it had to be posted!
Adam West,
Batman Begins,
Movie Poster,
TV Series,
TV Show
Batman Funny Humor : MARTIN REBAS Comic Strips

Here are 2 really humorous Batman comic strips done in 2004 by Martin Rebas. They are extremely funny pictures too & that's hard to do because the Dark Knight is a very serious guy, ha ha! Also, I really like this guy's art style. The lines are rough & the choice of coloring is really good too. This guy deserves his own comic book...check it out!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
THE BATMAN Cartoon : New Images From Upcoming TV Season

To be honest I really didn't care for THE BATMAN when it first came out. Seeing the "new" Joker made me kinda mad but last season was pretty good & it appears the show is finally getting a lot better. Here are some new images of what we're gonna see in the near future. Be sure to check your local TV listings for dates/times. Also, on our BAT-LINKS page we have a link button to the Official WB The BATMAN webpage. You can find the "Bat-Links" button on the left-side of this page, near the middle, it's grey with a blinking bat-symbol.
Poison Ivy,
The Batman,
TV Series,
TV Show,
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
BATMAN WALLPAPER : The Golden Age Joker & Batman Animated Series

One of the things we're famous for here is really cool Batman Wallpaper! We post 2 NEW ones EVERY Wednesday. Here's a graphic showing the Golden Age-Style Joker. This art was painted on canvas with acrylic by me a few years ago, a gift for a friend. I like the bold colors & sinister smile. The next one is a really sharp photo of a Batman Action Figure. It's one from the, now classic, Batman: The Animated Series. Remember, you can dig thru this site's Archives for many many more wallpapers & we even have a Wallpapers Webpage. You can access both functions on the left-side of this page. We hope you enjoy these & please feel free to use them in a MySpace layout or as a background on your desktop.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

When I saw this 1966 Batman Toy advertisement in an old comic book I knew it had to be posted here! I love the vintage graphics & they actually show a picture of the toy ( but not a photo of it ). It's a "Full-Color Picture Projector" that shoots over 100 pictures on the wall including Batman, Robin, The Joker, Catwoman, Penguin, & some guy named "Freezeman"! ( Was this a typo for Mr. Freeze? ha ha ). The toy measured 7" X 7" X 3" & was only $1.98 so you know it was very good quality! It looks like it has some embossed ( raised ) Batman graphics on it so I bet it looks pretty cool! I have never seen the actual toy in real-life so if any Bat-Blog reader has a photo of it please send it to us to share! In fact, if you have ANY cool Batman toys to share please send them here!! Our e-mail button is on the left-side of the batblog.
Vintage Toys

Just a quick note. Mattel's DC SUPER FRIENDS is a new action figure toy line that everyone is getting really excited about because they take the DC Comics universe and make it all super cute & goo goo. They have already released a few figures & vehicles. Well, later this year, Mattel will be releasing another new vehicle to go with Batman's Batmobile. It's called the BAT-PLANE!
Action Figures,
DC Super Friends,
New Toys,
Monday, September 24, 2007
BATGIRL ART By Graphic Illustrator Rich Yanizeski

Just received some really great artwork by a freelance illustrator named Rich Yanizeski. This is a mock-up for a postcard from GOTHAM CITY featuring Barbara Gordan as Batgirl. She's wearing the classic "1960's Purple" Costume worn by Yvonne Craig in the 1966 Batman TV Show. Click the picture up above for a larger, more detailed, photo. This is just one of many different styles by this guy. If ya wanna see more of his work then check out his Comicspace portfolio. Here's the URL:
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Finally Feeling a Little Bit Better .....UUUGGGHhhh!

Regular Bat-Blog readers might have noticed this week that I wasn't posting my obsessive-compusive 2 or 3 posts a day like I usually do, ha ha! The reason has been because I got EXTREMELY sick! Last week I caught some kind of nasty virus that has kept me wiped out for many days now. I am generally a pretty heathly person & this is the longest time I have ever been this sick. I'm serious, one night I was so scared because I thought I was gonna die, for real, ha ha! When I woke up the next day I considered it a miracle. From the very beginning I micro-managed every detail of my illness & tried to take care of my self the best that I could. Thank god for my girlfriend who took care of me, making me soup, bringing me medicine...whew! What a blessing. Today I finally felt a little better & could get out of bed but I think I'll still be a little sick for at least a few days or so. I'm gonna try to keep posting more so stay tuned! For new readers to the Bat-Blog be sure to check out the ARCHIVES because we have over 700+ posts for you to enjoy. I mean, you could easily be entertained here for a few hours so don't be lazy, ha ha! Oh yeah, I want to thank Zdarvko ( from Bulgaria ) for sending this funny picture of Batman, Nightwing, & Robin eating cereal, it cheered me up! Thank You.
BATWOMAN La Mujer Murcielago - Batman Cult Movie Now on DVD

LA MUJER MURCIELAGO!! In the late 60's there was a very low-budget Batman Movie, actually "Batwoman Movie", released in 1968 that is now a super cult classic. The title is LA MUJER MURCIELAGO & it was directed by René Cardona. It stars Maura Monti as Gloria / Batwoman. The basic story is that a mad super-scientist is wanting to create a supreme race of Super-Gill Men so he uses the glands of wrestlers because they are "perfect". Wrestlers are winding up dead all over Acapulco so the call goes out for that mysterious crime fighter BATWOMAN! Trust me, it's great stuff, ha ha! Now for the longest time this bootleg movie has been really difficult to find but now there's a lot of companies printing these on DVD. At the time of this writing I couldn't any copies on Amazon or ebay but a quick Google search will provide a lot of options. Here's a short clip from YouTube:
Cult Movie,
La Mujer Murcielago,
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
BATMAN HUMOR : Funny Comic Strip

In response to a previous post here at the Bat-Blog ( the one of the PWND T-Shirt graphic ) one of our friends sent in this cartoon he's pretty funny!! Thanks Eric, great artwork dude!
Comic Strip,
Monday, September 17, 2007
OTTO LANGE Batman-Inspired Artist Does Adam West Portrait

I know I have been on sort of an ART quest lately but it's still Batman-Related! Also, the responses in e-mails have been really good too. Here's an example of what I'm talkin' about. Here's a picture of an oil painting of Adam West ( from the 1966 TV Series ) done by a modern-day Pop Artist named OTTO LANGE. He's been doing some pretty cool stuff lately & will even have some of his Mego Doll paintings featured in the new Mego "World's Greatest Toys" Guide Book by Benjamin Holcomb. Be sure to watch the YouTube video of OTTO painting the Adam West piece of art. You can also see more of his work at his website.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Batman Comic Book Art Convention Sketches

A great way to get original art featuring Batman is to go to comic book conventions. There are many all over the country with the largest being the San Diego Comicon & the New York City Show. Here are some great examples of Batman Art. The 1st one is by Steve Lieber. The artwork is pretty expressive, nice! The 2nd one, of Harley Quinn, is a personal favorite because it's done by Bruce Timm of Batman:The Animated Series fame. The last one is a beautiful example of pin-up art with Batgirl. It was done by Jon Bogdangove. If any readers have some original art to share then please send us a photo!
Batman The Animated Series,
Bruce Timm,
Harley Quinn
Friday, September 14, 2007
Batman Comic Book Cover : Neal Adams' Wrap Around

Neal Adams is an icon in the world of comic books. There are many reasons. He was very influential in having DC Comics recognize Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster for creating Superman. He brought an extreme realism to comic art & also brought in issues with politics ( drug use, racism, etc..). Then he also did a lot of "wrap-around" covers. Here's an example. This is the cover for Batman #238. It's really cool how the front & back is one seamless! Thanks Neal.
comic book,
Neal Adams
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Unusual RARE 1966 Batmobile Toy Car By PLAYART Toys

A new friend to the olde Bat-Blog, named Eric, recently got this 1:64 scale Playart Batmobile Toy Car. It's really cool & very RARE! He sent us the photo & is wondering who made it because he had never seen it before. I too have never heard of a toy company called Playart nor have I ever seen this version of the 1966 Batmobile. If any reader knows please send us some information. I'm guessing it's a company from the UK, maybe? He got this '66 Batmobile toy car in a trade with someone who got it from a Swap Meet in Mississippi so it could have come from anywhere! Thanks for sending the wonderful photos Eric. They're really sharp!
Funny Batman Graphics For T-Shirt Design

The other day while visiting a blog I had never been to before I saw an ad for a cool Batman T-Shirt. I grabbed the picture but right afterwards my computer locked up & then I was unable to find that page again. Arrrgggh! We have all had this experience before, it sucks. But anyway, the graphic is really cool & if you're interested in the shirt I'm sure you can use a search engine to find it quickly. The name of the shirt is BATMAN PWND. I forget the name of the artist but it's a very cool design.
BATMAN GAME As Seen in MySpace Advertising

As all MySpace members know MySpace is filled with a lot of advertising but that's how they keep the page FREE so we all deal with it. Every now & then there's an ad that has a Flash Game to play. It's a sneaky way of "tricking" you into visiting a certain website. Well, late last night, I noticed a NEW one! This "game" features Batman fighting the Terminator. You're Batman & when you click the button you hit the villain, pretty funny!! Here's what the graphics look like. Oh yeah, we're NOT giving away any free ringtones, ha ha!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
It's Official: The BAT-BLOG Now Has a Batman Fan MESSAGE BOARD!
The BAT-BLOG has created a New BATMAN FAN MESSAGE BOARD! It's FREE TO JOIN & we want to invite all of our loyal BAT-BLOG readers to participate!
Here's a LINK:

Want to put the Bat-Blog MESSAGE BOARD Banner on your MySpace page or Blog?! Well, just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thanx!
Here's a LINK:
Want to put the Bat-Blog MESSAGE BOARD Banner on your MySpace page or Blog?! Well, just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thanx!
BATMAN & BATGIRL ARTWORK : Josh Hoye Illustrator

While surfing the web the other day I came across a blog for a commercial illustrator named Josh Hoye who has some considerable talent. He has a unique style & must be a big Batman fan because in his portfolio he showed a few examples of the Dark Knight. The 1st one is an idea of the "Courage Dog" cartoon character dressing up in costume like Batman. This one is my personal favorite & pretty funny. The 2nd example shows what Batman does to people who commits crime. He opens a can of whoop-ass! The 3rd picture is a graphic of Batgirl that's done in a very expressionist style. You can view more of his work at....
Comic Books,
DC Comics,
Green Lantern,
Wonder Woman

Today is "Wacky Wallpapers Wednesday" at the Bat-Blog & I thought I would present some more current stuff. The top Batman Desktop Wallpaper is one that was posted at the Official DC Comics page. It's a graphic showing Lobo & Batman face-to-face. This was made to promote the new comic book. Speaking of comic books, the 2nd wallpaper is a close-up graphic of original pencil artwork done by the Batman Master Artist Jim Lee!! Be sure to remember that we post NEW Batman Wallpapers every Wednesday & that we also have a Batman Wallpaper page. Also, if you dig thru the Bat-Blog Archives, you can see almost 50+ other wallpapers! All of these are really great for jazzing-up your PC desktop or using in a MySpace layout. Both the link button & archives are on the left side of this blog, check 'em out'll be glad you did!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Custom Batman BAT-CAVE Model Kit For 1966 Batmobile Hot Wheels Car

A friend to the Bat-Blog named Renato, from Argentina, has designed a really cool Custom Resin Kit of the original 1966 BAT-CAVE from the Batman TV Series. It's scaled to fit & display one of the new Hot Wheels Batmobile cars. The attention to detail is really excellent! On the left you can see the Bat-Poles where Batman ( Adam West ) & Robin ( Burt Ward ) would slide down. On the right is the Batcave entrance that the car can actually go thru. There are also some details like the Atomic Power Battery & Bat-Computers. The correct scale to everything is pretty good & we think he did a very good job on this. Renato is selling these on eBay right now so if you're interested you should check them out. We would like to invite any other Custom Toys builders to send us photos. We have featured Custom Action Figures, Model Kits, Mego Dolls, & more...our e-mail is located on the left-side of this blog, near the middle.
Ad: Batman Forever 1995 Sega Pinball Machine

Shown up above is an advertisement for Sega's 1995 BATMAN FOREVER Movie Pinball Machine. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but this is one of my least favorite Batman movies. No offense to the fans of this show but I hated it....really really hated it! But, I thought I would post this because it's still a really cool pinball game & there are people who love that movie. I think as more time passes this movie might become "better" because people will look at it & enjoy how bad it is. Like the way we now watch 1950's B-Movies & we know the monster is a guy in a cheesy costume but we still love it.
Batman Forever,
Monday, September 10, 2007
Batman Tattoo Art : World Trade Center Tribute WTC 911

September 11th is the anniversary of the tragic event that happened in New York City on 9-11-2001. Pictured up above is a picture of the "Batman WTC 911 Tribute" Tattoo from a serious Batman Fan who must have been really affected by the event. This is probably one of THE MOST famous Batman Tattoo photos...ever! Our hearts go out to all the people, all over the world ( especially in NYC ), who were touched by this event. We will NEVER forget 9-11-01.
Original Comic Book Cover Art : Batman #444

On the left is the original comic book cover art work for Batman #444. It was done by Michael Bair. Be sure to click the photo for more larger details.
Michael Bair,
Original Art
Video : 1966 Batman Movie Opening Credits
Here's a pretty cool video showing the opening credits for the 1966 Batman Movie starring Adam West & Burt's a Classic!
Batman Funny Humor Photos : My Little Pony, Dog Costume, and Black Velvet

Every now & then we post some of the crazy wackiness we find on the internet. Ha Ha Ha! Here's a cool "1980's My Little Pony" Custom Toy, a Dog in a New Batman Costume, & a classy Black Velvet Painting of The Dark Knight...enjoy!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
FUNNY HUMOR PHOTO: Homemade Batmobile - Low Budget!

This hilarious picture was sent in by a Bat-Blog member named George. This is a super low budget Custom Batmobile but ya gotta love the effort!! Great photo George, Thank You. If any other readers have some cool pics to share then please send them. Our e-mail button is on the right-hand side of this blog....enjoy!
APPLE iPhone Users : BATMAN The DARK KNIGHT Movie Wallpapers

A loyal Bat-Blog reader suggested I make a few Batman & Robin graphics that Apple iPhone users could use as wallpaper. That sounds like a pretty good idea, & a fun experiment, so here's a few to use for FREE! They have been sized for 320 X 480 resolution. I tried to make a good variety with images & photos from The Dark Knight movie for starters. One is Christian Bale in his NEW Batman Costume & another showing him as Bruce Wayne in the Batcave. Another is Heath Ledger as The Joker. Now, I don't have one of these cool iPhones so if you do & you use one of these Batman wallpapers then please send us a digital photo of your iPhone with one of these on it...that would be really cool!!
Please put the JOKER Banner ( The Dark Knight Movie )
seen below on your MySpace Layout, Blog, or Website!!
Just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thank You!
320 X 480,
Christian Bale,
Heath Ledger,
The Dark Knight,
The Joker,