Here's a set of photos taken by a friend of the Bat-Blog named Carlos. He got extremely creative one night & made this kick-ass custom toy Batmobile! He took a regular Mattel 1966 Batmobile Hot Wheels Diecast Car & made it into a Monster Jam truck!! We love the details like the mags having the Bat-Symbol logo & the way it all looks so production-made, nice job. This is actually a very cool idea & Mattel should really make one! Thank you Carlos for the use of the photo & sharing your great Bat-Toy. If any other readers have some customized toys ( cars, action figures, dolls, etc... ) then please send them in to us.
Here's the very most recent photo of Heath Ledger as The Joker!! This was a reward at the WHYSOSERIOUS website on October 31st, Halloween day. I did some reworking on the image & made it a Wallpaper Graphic you can use in a MySpace Layout or decorate your PC's desktop background...check it out!!
Please put the JOKER Banner ( The Dark Knight Movie ) seen below on your MySpace Layout, Blog, or Website!! Just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thank You!
OK, We have all been suckered by the "event" at the Joker's WHYSOSERIOUS website. For awhile now there has been a really cool animation at that page of a Jack O'Lantern Pumpkin with a burning candle getting shorter & one side of the pumpkin rotting ( is this a reference to TWO-FACE? ). Well, everybody has been speculating that on Halloween something was gonna happen, it did! Very early in the morning this picture showed up ( 1st photo ). There were cut-out letters like a ransom note & when you click on them they had clues. People were invited to figure them out all day. They were like scavenger hunt clues in major cities. I guess all the clues got done because later you saw the finished message ( 2nd photo ). OK, after the message was finished you could click on a secret place of the photo & an animation would appear. The "secret place" is around the bottom right-hand side, near the knife...if you go there try to click it, ha ha! Clicking it causes the note to burst into flames ( a cool animation ) & this photo of The Joker appears. After you see Joker's new photo you can click it & it would go to a new website called RORYSDEATHKISS ( last photo ). The "Rory's Death Kiss" page has another clue that will be solved soon. Don't worry, the Bat-Blog will keep you updated! Check it out for yourself at Oh yeah, one last thing, the NEW photo of the Joker...I made that a Batman Desktop Wallpaper!
On October 31st, in America, we celebrate a crazy holiday called Halloween. It's when everyone dresses up as their favorite character & acts crazy! So, I thought it would be appropriate to use a photo of a pretty girl dressed up as Harley Quinn for a desktop background wallpaper. Plus a very cool Joker Halloween Costume Vinyl Mask as a wallpaper too, Enjoy! We have fresh Batman Wallpapers every Wednesday so see ya next week...or maybe tomorrow!
HELP SPREAD THE WORD! Please put the JOKER Banner ( The Dark Knight Movie ) seen above on your MySpace Layout, Blog, or Webpage!! Just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thank You!
I recently discovered an extremely funny web comic called DUELING ANALOGS. Here's one of their comic strips featuring a LEGO BATMAN FIGURE losing his hand while swinging...hilarious! The humor there is sort of twisted. You can find their site at:
Did anybody see the brand-new Southpark episode on TV the other night? They had the main characters go to a place called "Imaginary Land" where all the good & bad characters live. It featured a ton of "people" we all love like Freddy Kruger, Frankenstein, Jason, Darth Maul, Creature From The Lost Lagoon, Strawberry Shortcake, etc... But, they showed The Joker in one of the close-ups...did you see him? Here's a picture. The funny thing is that now people are debating if it was the "Jack Nicholson" 1989 Batman Movie Joker, "Comic Book" Joker, or the "Heath Ledger" The Dark Knight Movie Joker...what's your opinion? Post your comment down below.
Please put the JOKER Banner ( The Dark Knight Movie ) seen below on your MySpace Layout, Blog, or Website!! Just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thank You!
The BAT-BLOG has been nominated for the 2008 Bloggers Choice Awards, in 4 categories! We're very honored! It would be great if you could spend a few minutes voting for us!
I must say, for a website about blogs, the Bloggers Choice Awards website is a bit confusing, but if you follow these simple steps it will be quick & easy! 1) Go to 2) Create an account - you do have to fill in everything, except the "choose a picture", and you do have to give a real e-mail address.A message will appear telling you to check your e-mail for a confirmation message. Mine arrived in less than thirty seconds, and you click on the link in the message. 3) Staying "logged-in" at the Awards Page come to the Bat-Blog & look for the 4 buttons on the top left-hand side of the blog. We have also put them down below, either way. 4) Click on each button & click on the "Yellow VOTE Button" ( shown in photo here ). 5) Please vote for us in all four catagories but ONLY ONCE per catagory. In other words, you can vote in all 4 catagories but only one time each. THANKS SO MUCH...I HOPE WE WIN!
I opened my e-mail the other day & received this:Hello Bat-Blog,I thought you might like this tileset for the popular free Kyodai Mahjongg game. The game is very good and can be downloaded all over the internet. Just add this Batman.jpg into the tilesets folder with the default .jpegs.Wow! Cool graphics Andrew, Thank You. I'm not really into online games but I know a lot of my readers love the stuff & they'll be really excited about these tiles...Thank again for sending them!
For Halloween Warner Bros is using it's DARK KNIGHT web page as a marketing tool & I guess it's working. If you go to the page they "made up" for the Joker then you can see an animation of a Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin. It's the same style pumpkin you see in the graphic novel The Long Halloween where the mouth is cut-out to look like the Bat-Symbol. Now, awhile back the pumpkin was fresh & the candle was brand new. But today, on the 28th, the candle is burned down way low & the pumpkin is starting to rot. So, the pumpkin has been very slowly rotting away. Everybody is all excited about what they think might happen on Halloween night, October 31st. Let's all wait & see. Hopefully it will be something very cool, ha ha ha ha ha! Here's a link to check it out:
Shown in the photo up above are some Custom-Made Toys from a friend to the Bat-Blog. Please be sure to click the picture for a larger, more detailed, photo. We asked him about these amazing pieces of ART & he wrote,"They are made out of Super-Flex Sculptey and painted with Acrylic Paint. They each took 3-4 days to make, and they're plastic army man scale, about 2 inches in height. They are not for sale at the moment. I make them for the sheer fun of it". WOW!! These are really beautiful, good job!! I love that you did some of the very obscure TV Villain characters. The figures include: Batman, Robin, The Joker, Riddler ( Wow, That face looks exactly like Frank Gorshin! ), Batgirl, Mr. Freeze, Madhatter, Catwoman, Egghead, The Penguin, King Tut, & Bookworm too! The faces on ALL of these figures are amazing. For example, look at King Tut's face. It looks EXACTLY like the actor!!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Here's a photo I recently saw on one of my favorite Batman Message Boards that shows BOB KANE ( co-creator of Batman, worked with Bill Finger but he NEVER gets credit, ha ha ) dressed as Batman. It's a vintage black & white photo but not sure of the exact date. Behind him, on the wall, are some of the POP ART paintings he did & they're dated 1968 & 1969 so that's a clue. Guessing early 1970's. But I still love it & wonder what the deal is. Did he dress-up in a Batman Costume for Halloween or was it for promotional purposes only? Either way it's a real treasure. Thanks Chuck for posting this great graphic!
This graphic below is a HUGE Desktop Wallpaper, Click on it to see it's beauty!
The other day I noticed a new link to my page from a site with a strange name. I mean strange in that it was foreign, not weird! Ha Ha, anyway, I went to check it out & it's from Germany. The language is German & I can't read it but the site is still very easy to navigate as it is very well-designed. There's a ton of original graphics there, mostly 3-D in style. Up above I am showing the Main Header for the site & the picture below that is a desktop wallpaper showing Batman done in 3D artwork. You guys might check it out sometime because it's pretty cool. Just remember to BOOKMARK THE BAT-BLOG before you go!!
These AME COMI BATGIRL & CATWOMAN PVC STATUES are each a limited-edition, hand-painted PVC statue 9" tall from DC Comics. They are done in a wacky "Japanese Anime" style. I think Batgirl looks kinda dumb, more like one of the characters in The BATTLE OF THE PLANETS, remember that cartoon?! But, I think the Catwoman is pretty sexy...MEOW!! They will also be making a AME COMI Power Girl & Supergirl. This limited edition non-articulate plastic display figure comes with a base and is packaged in a 4-color window box. Release date is January 23rd, 2008. The retail price will be around $40.00 but TFAW will offer them at $32.00 which is 20% OFF.
A lot of people asked for it so we created a BAT-BLOG WIDGET. It looks like the picture in the above photo & is located on the top left-hand side of this page. You get the Bat-Blog on your webpage, blog, or site. With it, you can check out any Bat-Blog article LIVE! When there just click on the GET WIDGET button & follow the simple instructions. ( Basically you copy the code & paste it in your page's HTML ). If you decide to use one please let us know because we'll be curious what it looks like there...THANK YOU!!
Does anybody else remember these full-page advertisements that ran in DC Comic Books in the 70's? They were from a company that sold superhero merchandise. As a little kid I used to order their catalogs & drool for days, ha ha! They were jam-packed with toys & books that were all comic book character related: Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern / Arrow, etc... There were Mego dolls, action figures, vehicles, play sets, etc... This ad features a few very very RARE toys. For example, you NEVER see those "Stunt Cycles" with Batman, Penguin, & The Joker! That "Styrofoam Bat-Plane" is RARE because you know they were all destroyed by playing with them, ha ha! The only semi-common item on that page is the "Batman Squirt Gun" that's shaped like his head. I have one of those in a display case & it's one of my favorite pieces just because it's so weird. One last thing, this ad is from 1976.
I keep a lot of reference material & pictures handy to do these posts. I have a folder on my PC where I dump tons of Batman related photos & then when it's time to post I go there. This morning I saw a few pictures that created a "theme". Here are some Vintage Batman Posters I thought were pretty cool. The 1st photo is a set of 2 Retail Store Display Posters for Batman Fruit Drink & Dairy Products. They were made during the 1966 TV Show & are double-printed so that a grocer could fold in them in half, hang them on a wire in the grocery store, & have visuals on both sides. I seriously love the cheesy retro-graphics, ha ha! The next poster is a RARE Vintage 60's Rock Concert Poster for a show at the Fillmore Auditorium on March 18, 19, & 20th. This baby has got to be super-RARE! The last poster is a photo sent in by a friend. It's a promo poster from a comic book shop in the Netherlands & the cool thing is that it has foreign language on it. It's from the 1980's & has awesome graphics! ( Thank you John for sending the cool picture ).
For today's choice of wallpapers I picked 2 really cool pictures of Batman & one of them even has The Joker! The 1st one is a graphic from Batman: The Animated Series. I always loved the "Art Deco look" of that TV Series. This would make a great background for a MYSpace layout or profile. The next image is from a modern-day Batman comic book & features The Joker. This one makes really cool wallpaper for your desktop! If you're looking for some more wallpapers then please remember to check the archives. We also have a "Free Batman Wallpapers" page so check that out too. The link buttons for both of them are on the left-side of this blog.
HELP SPREAD THE WORD! Please put the JOKER Banner ( The Dark Knight Movie ) seen above on your MySpace Layout, Blog, or Webpage!! Just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thank You!