The BAT-BLOG has been nominated for the 2008 Bloggers Choice Awards, in 4 categories! We're very honored! It would be great if you could spend a few minutes voting for us!
I must say, for a website about blogs, the Bloggers Choice Awards website is a bit confusing, but if you follow these simple steps it will be quick & easy!
1) Go to http://www.bloggerschoiceawards.com
2) Create an account - you do have to fill in everything, except the "choose a picture", and you do have to give a real e-mail address. A message will appear telling you to check your e-mail for a confirmation message. Mine arrived in less than thirty seconds, and you click on the link in the message.
3) Staying "logged-in" at the Awards Page come to the Bat-Blog & look for the 4 buttons on the top left-hand side of the blog. We have also put them down below, either way.
4) Click on each button & click on the "Yellow VOTE Button" ( shown in photo here ).
5) Please vote for us in all four catagories but ONLY ONCE per catagory. In other words, you can vote in all 4 catagories but only one time each. THANKS SO MUCH...I HOPE WE WIN!