Do you remember the HUGE over-sized comic books published by both Marvel & DC Comics called TREASURY COMICS? In the mid-1970's, when I was a little kid & seriously into comic books, I used to really love these & still do! ( I wish they would bring them back ). A friend of mine, named Rob, has a website totally devoted to these special books & it's an amazing site. In fact, I stole these pictures from there, ha ha! This issue was devoted to Batman & called LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION #C51 & came out in 1977. Basically it reprinted the Ra's Al Ghul storyline that took place in Batman #232, 242-244. The story & art was done by Neal Adams, Dick Giordano, Irv Novick, & Denny O'Neil. This story was a classic. As sort of a side note: DC Comics recently gave a cash award to Neal Adams for creating the Ra's Al Ghul character because he was used in the new Batman film BATMAN BEGINS. Also, shown here, is the original DC Comics advertisement that was featured in a lot of the comic books at that time. Sometime, if you get the chance, you should check out this site, it's way cool!