A really cool webpage was brought to my attention the other day. It's a site for people to download paper model kits to make famous cars. They have these 2 vehicles there that I know Bat-Blog readers will love: The 1966 Batmobile from the TV Show ( George Barris' car ) & The Tumbler from Batman Begins Movie ( and soon, The Dark Knight ). These are FREE model kits you download as a PDF file & then print on your computer's printer using card stock paper. After that you cut the pieces out & then glue then together. Looking at the photos you have to admit that they are quite impressive. The attention to details are insane, ha ha! Be sure to click on the photo above for a larger picture where you REALLY see the details, crazy! Down below is a link to that wonderful page. If you do get one of these free kits you should think about giving them a donation but you don't have to. As a side note, if anybody here makes one of these please send us a photo. In fact send us photos of ANY of your Batman-related projects. Have fun!