Just the other day I noticed a new link to my site from a page called DIAL B FOR BLOG. Now, this was very exciting news for me. Ya see, every webpage I have ever created has had a link to this page because it's really a great site. It's well designed, very informative, has great graphics, & the humor is pretty good. Basically it's all about the history of silver-age comic books & there's a ton of stories about comic book artists, creators, & all the characters we love. The main focus is DC Comics but I think there's some Marvel stuff there too. Now, the reason I was excited about the link back to me was that I didn't even ask for a link! This is a webpage that I have really respected for a long time & it even sort of inspired me to creat this Bat-Blog....and they linked to me!! Wow, be sure to check it out sometime, you'll be glad you did ( When there be sure to check out the ARCHIVES tab ). If you lose this post just be sure to check the BAT-LINKS page. There's ALWAYS a link there!!