For Halloween Warner Bros is using it's DARK KNIGHT web page as a marketing tool & I guess it's working. If you go to the page they "made up" for the Joker then you can see an animation of a Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin. It's the same style pumpkin you see in the graphic novel The Long Halloween where the mouth is cut-out to look like the Bat-Symbol. Now, awhile back the pumpkin was fresh & the candle was brand new. But today, on the 28th, the candle is burned down way low & the pumpkin is starting to rot. So, the pumpkin has been very slowly rotting away. Everybody is all excited about what they think might happen on Halloween night, October 31st. Let's all wait & see. Hopefully it will be something very cool, ha ha ha ha ha! Here's a link to check it out: