The BAT-BLOG would like for you to take the time to consider this really great Children's Charity called THE HERO FOUNDRY. They collect funds to support librarys all over the US. They distribute comic books & graphic novels for children to learn the joy of reading. They recently had an auction where some generous comic book artists donated original art work & all the proceeds went to new books for locations in New Orleans that were destroyed by Katrina. The BAT-BLOG is proud to support this cause so please help anyway you can. Here's the Official Press Release :
Dallas, Texas - The Hero Foundry website,
http://www.theherofoundry.org/, launches on April 24, 2006 accompanied by a fundraising initiative to raise money to provide comic books, graphic novels and similar literature to children through libraries, schools, hospitals, and other organizations that lack the financial resources to supply these materials.
The Hero Foundry is a Non Profit Organization founded in 2006 in order assist libraries, schools, hospitals, and other organizations that lack the financial resources in building a library of comic books, graphic novels, and similar literature. Their intentions are to increase literacy, inspire creativity, and most importantly, to provide positive role models and moral guidance to today’s youth through the comic book medium.
Donations to The Hero Foundry are accepted in the form of monetary contributions through their PayPal account (
thefuture@theherofoundry.org), mailing a check to the address below, or by stopping by their booth at one of their upcoming comic convention appearances. Additionally, comic books, graphic novels and other materials will be accepted. These donations will be used to either help stock the beneficiaries of The Hero Foundry, or will be sold in order to help finance the Foundry’s mission.
Contact :
Edward Priddy
( 405 ) 613 - 4301
The Hero Foundry
1715 S. Ervay, Loft 102
Dallas, TX 75215