Thursday, September 30, 2010
Video Clip - SUPERMAN / BATMAN: APOCALYPSE - First 10 Minutes
Here's a brand-new promo video that just hit the web & it features the first 10 minutes of the new DC Universe Animated Film, SUPERMAN / BATMAN: APOCALYPSE. It mainly covers the basic origin of Supergirl landing on Earth & we also get a good look at Batman and Superman. Oh man, this movie looks really great so far, check it out!

SQUATZ - DC UNIVERSE - New Figures Checklist

You might remember reading about the brand-new SQUATZ toys here at the Bat-Blog about 2 weeks ago. We had some prototype pics of the packaging & mentioned them. Well, I have now seen the actual product, in my hands, & they're extremely cool! What I'm talking about is the new line of DC UNIVERSE / SQUATZ FIGURES made by Wild Planet. They are compact collectible figures of our favorite DC Comics characters embedded in dissolving tablets. They are sold 2 figures per pack. One figure is visible & the other is hidden. The list of Core Characters ( visible ) include: Batman, The Joker, The Penguin, Green Lantern, Superman, & The Flash. The list of Bonus Characters ( hidden ) include: Aquaman, Robin, Lex Luthor, Gorilla Grodd, Green Arrow, Hawkman, & Wonder Woman. Overall there are 13 different ones to collect. Each package will have a retail price of around $9.99 & you can find them at the end of this year, during the holiday season. In fact, I think they would make very excellent stocking stuffers. So, remember to keep an eye out for these later! Now, for the Toy & Action Figure Collectors out there, who will probably be collecting all of these, I have created this special SQUATZ - DC UNIVERSE Checklist! OK, actually it's a Desktop Wallpaper you can use as a background on your PC ( you could also print it out ). It shows the complete 1st wave of 13 figures. One last thing, If you wanna check out the official WILD PLANET website, just CLICK HERE!
DC Universe,
Gorilla Grodd,
Green Arrow,
Green Lantern,
Lex Luthor,
The Joker,
Wonder Woman
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Two Incredible BATMAN & JOKER TATTOO ART Photos

Shown here, for your viewing pleasure, are 2 really great Batman Art Tattoos that are extremely HUGE! In fact, they cover the entire backs of these 2 dedicated Batman Fans ( Please be sure to click on the photos for larger, more detailed/sharper, pictures ). The 1st one is our friend Damon who got a set of colored tattoos with the artwork showing Batman, The Joker, & "The Dark Knight" Movie Bat-Symbol Logo. I think the picture of Batman is based on some Neal Adams art so that's cool. Either way, they're some really great images of the characters & the shading is very well done. The next tattoo is also really wonderful. This photo was sent in by our friend Nate & this is actually his Wife, who has been a Batman Fan and Collector since the 1970’s. It's a retro-style Batman with a great costume, it looks pretty awesome. I also really love the Batmobile as a vintage 1940's custom car. I wanna thank both our readers for sending these pics in. Well done. Also, If YOU have had some bat-tat ink done lately then please remember to share your pic with us.
16 Days of batman,
Neal Adams,
The Dark Knight,
The Joker
Gotham City 14 Miles: 14 Essays on Why the 1960s Batman TV Series Matters

This post is a friendly reminder that today is the day the new Batman History book, "Gotham City 14 Miles: 14 Essays on Why the 1960s Batman TV Series Matters" goes on sale. The basic premise of the book is that they got 14 writers to individually write an essay on the importance of the classic TV show to both the comic book character & American culture in general. The authors include: Becky Beard, Jim Beard, Joseph F. Berenato, Timothy Callahan, Chuck Dixon, Robert Greenberger, Michael D. Hamersky, Michael Johnson, Paul Kupperberg, Michael S. Miller, Will Murray, Peter Sanderson, Jennifer K. Stuller, Bill Walko, and Robert G. Weiner. If you would like more information about this book then be sure to visit their official website by clicking HERE! It won't be available on Amazon until next year. But for now, you can go into any Comic Book Shop in the next four weeks and put in an order. Just tell them its in the "Books & Magazines" section of the October PREVIEWS, page 332. Then, the book will be out in December.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Funny BATMAN Humor Comic Strips!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, whew! OK, here are 2 extremely funny Batman-related comic strips submitted by a couple of awesome Bat-Blog Fans. They know who they are & I wanna tell them, "Thanks guys, these humor comics are hilarious!!". Readers, be sure to click on them for larger, more readable, versions.
Comic Strip,
Jim Gordon
Mark's DRAGON CON Batman Adventure!

OK, I gotta admit that I'm a little jealous here over the fact that our friend Mark got to go to the last Dragon Con ( a Comic Book Convention in Atlanta, Georgia ) & here's the photographic proof, ha! While there he saw a beautiful Harley Quinn Cosplayer, a very cool 1966 Batmobile Replica Car, & he almost got his throat cut by The Joker! He also got to meet some amazing Batman Comic book Artists: Kelley Jones, Neal Adams, and Tommy Castillo ( wearing the hat ). Yeah, like I said...JEALOUS!! ( Thanks Mark for sending the cool pix ).
Sunday, September 26, 2010

New BATMAN: BLACK & WHITE Statue designed by DUSTIN NGUYEN - Sculpted by JOSEPH MENNA.
From fan-favorite BATMAN: STREETS OF GOTHAM artist Dustin Nguyen! The next Batman Black and White statue is an original design for DC Direct!
This statue measures approximately 7.61" high x 5.1" wide x 3.45" deep, is painted in monochromatic tones, features a Bat-logo-shaped base and is packaged in a black and white box, Limited Edition.
Suggested Retail Price $ 80.00 US - On Sale May 4, 2011.
Black and White,
DC Direct,
Dustin Nguyen,

SCULPTED BY JONATHAN MATTHEWS. Madly in love with her spotted darlings, Harley Quinn takes her babies out for a walk, chain-link leash in one hand, pop gun in the other. Out for a stroll, they're laughing all the way … to the bank. Little Lou and Baby Bud each hold a piece of what Harley holds near and dear, but with a slice of fear: a stick of dynamite from her Puddin', The Joker, and a ripped and torn Bat logo from the costume of a certain Gotham City hero. This classic rendition of the Queen of Crime is the latest addition to DC Direct's exclusive 1:4 scale museum quality statue series. Harley Quinn's costume is exquisitely tailored and detailed, while various mixed media elements give this museum quality statue texture and visual interest. The HARLEY QUINN 1:4 SCALE MUSEUM QUALITY STATUE includes hand-painted resin parts, measures approximately 16.5" high x 10" wide x 14" deep, and is packaged in a 4-color box, Limited Edition. Suggested Retail Price $ 325.00 - On Sale May 25, 2011
Friday, September 24, 2010
VIDEO - DC Universe Online - DCUO Cinematic Director's Cut Video Game Trailer
In this just released video clip we get an inside look at the making of the DC UNIVERSE ONLINE Video Game Cinematic with Jim Lee, DCUO Exec. Creative Director and Tim Miller of Blur Studio.

DC Universe,
DC Universe Online,
Video Game,
Wonder Woman
Thursday, September 23, 2010
BATMAN and SUPERMAN - Wallpaper Background

One of the things about the BAT-BLOG that I'm pretty proud about is the amount of people who submit material to this site. That really means a lot to me. Plus, It says that they like my page & are also serious about being a Batman Fan. Here's a recent example: This is a fun BATMAN AND SUPERMAN Wallpaper Background for you guys to enjoy. It was made by a Bat-Blog Fan named Sam. He drew this with a simple PAINT program, so that kind of explains why it is kind of crudely done. But I really like the "primitive look" of it...very cool! It makes an excellent desktop image. In fact, it's on my desktop right now, ha! I want to thank Sam for sending this in & I also want to invite all Bat-Blog Readers to please submit materials you think would be cool for the site. Mainly, just let us know about any brand-new pieces of Batman Merchandise you might come across in your retail store hunt. Sharing the joy & fun of collecting BATMAN is the main focus of the Bat-Blog.Com!
BATMAN Product Review - Bobble Head Nodder by NECA

Here at the BAT-BLOG I was recently contacted by one of the companies I help promote Batman merchandise for. They asked me if I would do a product review on one of the items they sell, that they would send me one. So, of course, my answer was, "Heck yeah!" ( ha ha ) But I told them that the danger would be that I would be totally honest about it. They were fine with that & told me that I could pick out anything from their website. Wow! Now that was actually pretty fun! The company I'm talking about is SUPERHERO STUFF. After scanning their pages I found this very cool Batman Bobble Head Nodder made by NECA. Overall it's a really excellent product. The quality is wonderful & the paint job is well done. I love this piece & I'm proud to display it in my collection. OK, now hold on, my main reason for this posting is to talk about this company. I know that some people might be cynical about a review when I'm sort of "getting paid". But not really, I mean, just go through the Bat-Blog Archives ( located at the left side of this page, near the middle ) & you'll see that I'm a very serious Batman Fan & Collector. I've been doing the BAT-BLOG for over 4 years now & I think I'm pretty dedicated. Plus, I'm NOT going to sell my integrity for a $20 item, ha ha! Now one of the early reasons I chose SUPERHERO STUFF to sell things is because I have bought many items from them in the past & they have always had really great service & their prices are very decent. They get your items to you fast & pack them very carefully. Plus, they're one of the few companies that are sort of "progressive". What I mean by that is that they're always adding fresh new product & keeping the website up to date. So, in closing: this BATMAN NODDER is extremely cool, I really like it. I also like SUPERHERO STUFF for providing my readers with excellent service. So, if you're in the market for some Superhero Merchandise ( T-Shirts, Toys, Belt Buckles, Graphic Novels, Action Figures, etc... ) then please hit them up. If you are not familiar with this company then just click the banner down below.
Action Figures,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
BAT-BABE! Hot Comic Book Fan-Girl Loves Batman!

Here are some totally wonderful fashion photos sent in by our new friend Martin. He wanted to share the fact that girls are Batman Fans too!! Thanks Martin, these amazing pics made my day & I know my readers will love them, hubba hubba! ( Guys, click on it for a larger version )
Wallpaper Backgrounds BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD The Siege of Starro, Part 2

OK, this week's "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday" celebrates the fact that there is another brand-new episode of BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD. Oh man, I love this cartoon! Here's a few scenes from the show that airs on Friday, September 24th, at 7:30 pm on the Cartoon Network. These images up above are actually "Batman Backgrounds" & feature Captain Marvel ( Shazam! ) & Aquaman ( Outrageous! ). Also, be sure to check out the BAT-BLOG's video page for the latest clips for the show, just click HERE! In fact, please share our YouTube Page with all your friends, thanks!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Nexian BATMAN CEL PHONE - Advertising Billboard in Surabaya, Indonesia

Here at the Bat-Blog we have a friend named Yosafat who is a major Batman Fan & he recently spotted this very cool BATMAN CEL PHONE AD billboard in Surabaya! He lives in Indonesia & found it in 2 different areas of his city. Now, how cool is that?! It's for a new "Batman Phone" by Nexian. I also gotta say that Yosafat is a "Batman Collector" & he has a website that is pretty cool too. Here's a LINK to check it out.
Cel Phone,
New Hostess Cupcakes JUSTICE LEAGUE Promotion

I plan on hitting the Grocery Store later today because I just found out that the Hostess Cupcakes company has teamed-up with DC Comics to promote the JUSTICE LEAGUE! They are combining the best comic book heroes with their different food products like Cup Cakes, Twinkies, & so on... The characters include Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, & Batman! You can see the "Batman Box" up above, it's cool. Plus, they are also having a contest on their official website where you can win one million dollars!! Oh yeah, if you win then ya gotta buy me a new car or something for letting you know, ha ha! For details on how to enter, just click HERE! Once there you can see some of the other products & they're pretty neat too. ( Jeff - Thanks for the heads-up )
Sunday, September 19, 2010
New BATMAN Mineral Water Bottle from Japan!

OK, I don't know what the deal is this moment about the Japanese but they are going totally crazy for Batman right now!! Here at the Bat-Blog we have reported a few new pieces of bat-merchandise lately that are exclusive to Japan. I love this area of collectibles because this stuff is not only hard to get but it's also very cool. Now, this is kind of weird, but here's a Batman-shaped Bottle of Mineral Water. I think it's really neat but I wish they would have made a "Batman head for the bottle"...that would have been better & would have completed his costume, ha! But I bet it would have made the thing way more expensive to produce so I guess I sort of understand that. Anyways, it's still pretty neat! They also have one that looks like Superman ( not pictured here ). Oh yeah, just to be clear: The 1st pic is from that companies official website & the 2nd one is a picture of the real actual item.
Food Product,
Batman Wallpaper - THE JOKER - Heath Ledger Tribute ( Costume )

I got an email tonight from a Bat-Blog Fan named Damon. He sent us some photos of a few Batman-themed costumes he has had in the past where he dressed-up like the JOKER from The Dark Knight movie ( Heath Ledger version ). The costume looks great & the make-up effects are out of this world! This would be the perfect Halloween Costume, it's very well done. He also sent us some pics of his 1989 Batman film costume & some of his tattoos too. I plan to feature those later, but for right now I thought I would share this one picture that I used to make this desktop background. I mean, ya gotta admit that this image makes a great Joker Wallpaper! ( Thanks Damon, Please look for the other pics later )
Heath Ledger,
The Dark Knight,
The Joker,
BATMAN TATTOO ART - The Animated Series

Check out this awesome Bat-Tat!! A good friend to the Bat-Blog, named Gerry, just recently sent us this photo of his special Batman Tattoo. It's a classic scene from "Batman: The Animated Series". I mean, this image is iconic! The Dark knight is standing on top of a building with lighting effects going off in the background...very cool! ( Thanks Gerry )
Batman The Animated Series,
The Animated Series
Saturday, September 18, 2010
New BATMAN BATMOBILE TOYS Fron JAPAN - BOSS COFFEE Mini-Magnetic Pullback Premiums by Suntory

First off, I gotta say that I'm really excited about these wonderful new Japanese BATMAN BATMOBILE Toys & I wanna thank our good friend Kuan for letting us know about them. OK, in Japan they have a popular beverage drink called "BOSS Simple Style Coffee" and it's made by a company called Suntory. The cool thing is that they have 15 different BATMAN BATMOBILE Premium Toys to collect! 10 of them are magnetic mini-cars & 5 of them are the kind of toy cars you pull back & release them to go. Also, the magnetic ones can spin around on your can of BOSS Simple Style Coffee! The vehicles are super cute mini versions of all the different Batmobile cars from all the Batman movies. Well, except unfortunately they didn't make the 1966 Batmobile, but you get the idea! Here's the deal: To collect the 10 Mini-Cars you have to buy the individual cans with the premium attached to the top ( see last pic ). To collect the 5 Pull-Back Toys you need to find the 2-packs. Oh yeah! Now the 1st two photos are pics of the actual product. The rest are the sample pics from their official website. These pics show all the different cars & I totally love them! ( Thanks again Kuan! )
ADAM WEST ( 1966 BATMAN ) Does The Batusi Dance in Canada!
This is a fun video captured by our good friend Gerry who recently went to a screening of the 1966 BATMAN Movie at a small movie theater in Canada. Adam West was in town to be a guest at the Fan Expo Comic Book Convention & during that time he went by the theater to make a special appearance. When he came out on stage he did his famous "Batusi Dance" & Gerry caught it on film!

New BATMAN Toys by SQUATZ - DC Universe Figures

Here are some photos for the retail packaging ( prototype ) to some brand-new Batman toys to keep an eye out for in the future. These are SQUATZ Figures of popular DC Universe characters. There will be 6 to collect in the 1st wave: Batman, Joker, Penguin, Green Lantern, Flash, & Superman. Because of space limitations I'm just showing the Batman-related ones. Now, in each package you get 2 figures & one of them is totally unknown, a mystery! The way you find out who it is you put the figure in water & allow the special coating to dissolve. Then, you know who the mystery figure is, woo hoo! Sounds like hours of fun!! Actually, I'm really loving the retro-style characters presented on these cards. The figures look sort of cool too. I can't wait to see these in stores. You know, to see what they actually look like. Stay tuned to the Bat-Blog & when we find out, you will too.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cool JOKER TATTOO ART - Batman The Killing Joke

Here's a very cool JOKER Tattoo Photo sent in by a Bat-Blog Fan named Kevin. He has a large tattoo inspired by Brian Bolland's artwork in the BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE Graphic Novel. This book ( and comic book artist ) is a total favorite of mine. Also, this is a great choice for a tattoo because this image is so iconic. A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Kevin for sending us this cool pic. Plus, if any other readers out there get some ink done then please shoot us a picture, thanks!
Brian Bolland,
Graphic Novel,
The Joker,
The Killing Joke
ANIMATED BATMAN - Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday!

Every week at the Bat-Blog you can find some brand-new & totally unique Batman-Theme Wallpaper Backgrounds to brighten your desktop. This time I thought I would go with an "animated theme". But, instead of doing "Batman: The Animated Series", I thought I would make some with other cartoon variations of Batman as seen in animation. The 1st one shows Batman and Superman as they might look on "The Brave and The Bold" cartoon. Except this is artwork from the new comic book that will feature both characters together ( Yes, Superman is sponging-off Batman's fame, ha! ). The 2nd one is an image of "Ace, the Bat-Hound" from an actual older TV cartoon called "Krypto, The Superdog". To be honest, I really thought he should have had his own series.