This post is a friendly reminder that today is the day the new Batman History book, "Gotham City 14 Miles: 14 Essays on Why the 1960s Batman TV Series Matters" goes on sale. The basic premise of the book is that they got 14 writers to individually write an essay on the importance of the classic TV show to both the comic book character & American culture in general. The authors include: Becky Beard, Jim Beard, Joseph F. Berenato, Timothy Callahan, Chuck Dixon, Robert Greenberger, Michael D. Hamersky, Michael Johnson, Paul Kupperberg, Michael S. Miller, Will Murray, Peter Sanderson, Jennifer K. Stuller, Bill Walko, and Robert G. Weiner. If you would like more information about this book then be sure to visit their official website by clicking HERE! It won't be available on Amazon until next year. But for now, you can go into any Comic Book Shop in the next four weeks and put in an order. Just tell them its in the "Books & Magazines" section of the October PREVIEWS, page 332. Then, the book will be out in December.