One of the things about the BAT-BLOG that I'm pretty proud about is the amount of people who submit material to this site. That really means a lot to me. Plus, It says that they like my page & are also serious about being a Batman Fan. Here's a recent example: This is a fun BATMAN AND SUPERMAN Wallpaper Background for you guys to enjoy. It was made by a Bat-Blog Fan named Sam. He drew this with a simple PAINT program, so that kind of explains why it is kind of crudely done. But I really like the "primitive look" of it...very cool! It makes an excellent desktop image. In fact, it's on my desktop right now, ha! I want to thank Sam for sending this in & I also want to invite all Bat-Blog Readers to please submit materials you think would be cool for the site. Mainly, just let us know about any brand-new pieces of Batman Merchandise you might come across in your retail store hunt. Sharing the joy & fun of collecting BATMAN is the main focus of the Bat-Blog.Com!