Sunday, May 31, 2009
Video: BATMAN ARKHAM ASYLUM Exclusive JOKER Trailer # 2
Here's the most current video for the Batman: Arkham Asylum Video Game - PS3 Exclusive Trailer featuring THE JOKER...Can't wait to play this because it just keeps looking better all the time! A friend told me today that the release date is finally set for August 25th, 2009. Hmmmm, we'll see. Be sure to stay tuned to the Bat-Blog for more news.

Arkham Asylum,
Playstation 3,
The Joker,
Video Game,
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Fan-Made Music Video: BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT By The Hillywood Show
Here's an awesome Fan-Made Music Video with outrageous production quality! It's called THE DARK KNIGHT & is performed by "The Hillywood Show". I really like the costumes, props, & set design, it's very very cool! So, CRANK-UP YOUR SPEAKERS & Check it Out!!

Harley Quinn,
The Dark Knight,
The Hillywood Show,
The Joker,
BATMAN IN SPACE Desktop Wallpaper Backgrounds!

BBBBBBATMAN IN SPACE! I was kinda bored last night & decided to try to be creative so I made these 2 wacky "Batman in Space" Desktop Wallpapers. Please feel free to use them as a background in a MySpace layout or just to brighten your PC desktop. There are 2 versions: one in glorious color, the other is black & white to give it a retro feel. Please let me know what you think about them by leaving a comment ( & be honest! ). Thanks, hope you like at least one of them, ha ha! Go ahead & click on one to see the larger version, the details are pretty sharp!
comic book,

I have a good friend named Chaz who is a major Batman Toy Collector and his main focus is the Vintage Batman Toys made by Ideal in the 1960's. Over the years he has acquired a few different Official Batman Utility Belts ( Ideal ©1966 ) & he wanted to share the information with Bat-Blog Readers. Now, as a collector myself I knew there were a few minor variations. But, not as many as Chaz as discovered, it's crazy! OK, it's gonna be a lot easier if I just allow him to explain the information so this is what he wrote to me recently:
Yes, I found many variations to the Bat-Gun Launcher. One has black holes, some have no bat, with an all gray diamond rigged handle. One has a red trigger with no bat, one has a black nose, etc... There's 7 different versions of the gun. I'm missing one...the one with the red trigger WITH the bat.
The Bat-Signal Flashlight was Red or Yellow vinyl with embossed X's on the body, then there's a hard plastic square body version w/translucent cap and aluminum switch. And the most rare is the metal one with the bat airbrushed to the body and the caps came in purple, black, and red...most Bat collectors don't know that the stub at the top where the ball chain runs through doesn't move...the top part is not a button or switch to turn on the does not move. and there's no switch on the metal when there was a battery in those for use..they ran dead. so when the battery ran out, the kids tossed it, making it very rare and Ideal switched to the plastic & vinyl flashlights.
I got the purple cap flashlight for just $9.99 on eBay in 2004...the dealer didn't know what they had, it was listed as a Bat Light Key Chain! mention of 1966 or Ideal Utility Belt, as it's an unmarked piece. It was the happiest day of my collecting life..I think. But then I went to the Goodwill Fashions Store in Bensalem, PA and found the black cap metal light for 47 cents! They must have thought it was a Halloween flashlight, LOL!
Oh yes, the white belt is a prototype belt and the raised copyright information on the back, the lettering is different than the final product. And with that belt was the Grappling Hook in translucent white and Batarang also in translucent white and Batcuffs outlined in white..these were never played with, left in pristine mint condition.
One of the sets has a rarer version of the belt, where Ideal cut of the loop that holds the Bat-Rope and in it's place they punched a hole near the Bat-storage pouch, and hung another metal clasp ( like the 2 on the other side ) to carry the rope.
There's 3 versions of the Dummy Transmitter ( buckle decal ) one with squares, and one with dots, and it's got a section factory cut out at the top for your thumb, when you go to open the buckle. Then there's a smoother finish tin foil Bat Radio..which they called it sometimes.
In one pic is the rare silver logo Helmet w/Cape.
There's the Helmet in the package with the header card which is extremely rare, unlike the more common solid box. and behind it is the most recent set I bought in an original box..I have 2 original boxes, one of my boxes has rice paper overlays & light color touch up because it was restored. One of my boxes I reproduced myself ten years ago. I think there could be less than 20 boxes known to exist. I have counted only 15.
The Batman Message Sender ( dart bomb ) came with a black or red dart shaft.
The set pictured in your cool top ten list has the more rare Equipment Set Belt, it is more flexible, the Batrope loop is different and most importantly, it has no puncher holes for staples to mount it to the cardboard insert tray.
Whew! That's a ton of great information Chaz! I know that many serious toy collectors are gonna really appreciate that, I do. This one example of a Vintage Batman Toy is a total classic! For many collectors this Bat-Belt ( in the original box of course ) is the Holy Grail! In fact, I don't have one of these at all & have been looking for years. Thank you for taking the time to take all these photos & write the info down, I really appreciate that, thank you. It's insane how many variations there are!
Batman Toys,
Utility Belt,
Friday, May 29, 2009
ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER Website Promo Contest Continues!

HOLY WEBSITE PROMO, BATMAN!! The BAT-BLOG is still teamed-up with ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER! OK, not the actual character but the actor who played him in the 1966 Batman TV Series, Burt Ward! For the next few weeks we'll feature a few different contests to help promote Burt Ward's brand-new website. It's called ROBINTHEBOYWONDER.COM & it has a lot of neat information, trivia, & merchandise. Plus, right now, it's about the only place to get Burt Ward-autographed items because he's taking a break from the whole comic book convention circuit thing. While there you can find many signed items like photos, books, & even some Hot Wheels 1966 Batmobile Cars. You might remember last week we gave away a signed-copy of his bio-book, "Boy Wonder, My Life in Tights". This week we're giving away an Official Black & White 8 X 10 Photo that has the authentic "Burt Ward - Robin" Autograph! Now, please excuse my bad picture here but this Bat-item up for grabs is really an extremely sharp, very nice quality, photo showing the "Behind The Scenes" antics from the making of the '66 TV Show. Remember the classic skit where Batman & Robin were climbing up the side of a Gotham City building? They did that by walking on a fake building facade that was on the ground with a background of the sky turned sideways. The camera was also turned on it's side creating the illusion that they were "GOING UP the building". Yes, I know, ha ha, great stuff! This photo shows the set, actors, camera crew, & even the wires that helped to keep Batman & Robin's capes "falling down" ( they had to make the capes look like they were draping down from the gravity )...very cool! Now, here are the simple rules: Just e-mail us your full name / address with the phrase "ROBIN THE BOY WONDER B&W PHOTO" in the title. The contest will run until Sunday, June 7th, 2009 & will end at 11:30 pm Central Time. Then, the next morning a winner will be randomly drawn & announced here on June 8th. Please keep in mind that this contest is separate from the previous one so you have to enter again if you wanna try to win this photo. Also, unlike the signed book, this contest is open to everybody. Click on the e-mail button to send us your entry & then afterward be sure to click on the "Robin, The Boy Wonder" button to visit Burt's new website!
- The contest is open to the general public as well as anyone currently reading the BAT-BLOG on a daily basis. Employees of the Bat-Blog and employees' immediate family members and persons with whom such employees are domiciled are excluded from this contest.
- The prize is not redeemable in cash and must be accepted as awarded.
- Decisions of the contest judges are final - no substitutions will be available.
- By claiming the prize, the winner authorizes the use, without additional compensation of his or her name and/or likeness and/or voice/photograph and municipality of residence for promotion and/or advertising purposes in any manner and in any medium (including without limitation, radio broadcasts, newspapers and other publications and in television or film releases, slides, videotape, distribution over the internet and picture date storage) which Bat-Blog may deem appropriate.
- In accepting the prize, the winner, and any reader(s), acknowledges that the Bat-Blog may not be held liable for any loss, damages or injury associated with accepting or using this prize.
- The person whose name is drawn as being the winner of the specific prize will be required to send us their correct mailing information before the prize is awarded to them. Postage to be paid, free of charge, by the Bat-blog.
- Detailed contest rules applicable to this contest, including contest entry dates, how to enter, and prize value, number and any restrictions applicable to these prizes are available upon request by reading these Contest Rules, ha ha!
- The Bat-Blog retains the rights, in its absolute and sole discretion, to make substitutions of equivalent kind or approximate value in the event of the unavailability of any prize or component of the prize for any reason whatsoever.
- This contest is subject to all federal, provincial and municipal laws.
- The Bat-Blog reserves the right to withdraw or terminate this contest at any time without prior notice.
- Approximate value of prize varies.
- Contest open to loyal Bat-Blog Readers only.
- One entry per person, per household.
Some New BATMAN ACTION FIGURES By Mattel Coming Out In June

Mattel will have a few Batman Action Figures released next month ( June 2009 ) that you might want to keep an eye out for. The 1st one will be a DC Universe Two-Pack called "Fists of Clay - Figure Pack". It will have the elusive Clayface & "Battle Damage" Batman ( He has mud all over him, ha ha ). I'm really liking the display packaging, pretty nice. The figures are great too. These will be sold everywhere. Now the next figure is a Toys-R-Us Exclusive & only sold there. It's The Dark Knight movie JOKER ( Heath Ledger version ) as a large fully-articulated 12" figure. WOW! One foot tall, a very cool scale to have! Looks like it also comes with a display stand base.
12 Inch,
Action Figure,
Action Figures,
DC Universe,
The Dark Knight,
The Joker
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Auction News: Original 1966 Batman Coloring Book Production Art

Last night, on eBay, the auction for the original production art for one of the 1966 Batman Whitman Coloring Books ended at $1,925.00. Now, if you ask me, that's a huge bargain. I mean, this item is totally priceless! This RARE piece of Bat-Memorabilia was offered by Golden Treasures of New York City. They always seem to have the most amazing stuff! Oh well, I'm happy for the winner & he's lucky I'm not super-rich or I would have outbid him, ha ha! ( Readers - Be sure to click on the above photos for larger, more detailed, versions ).
Coloring Book,
Original Art,
The Original BAT-POD Motorcycle & Costume Props From THE DARK KNIGHT Spotted in the UK!

I was pleasantly surprised the other night to receive an e-mail from a Bat-Blog Reader named Lee who lives in the UK. He had some really wonderful photos of the original BAT-POD Motorcycle & a few Prop Costumes from THE DARK KNIGHT Batman movie. He explained in his letter, "Hi Tom, my name is Lee, I'm from Manchester, England and I am a huge BATMAN fan. Last year I was lucky enough to get a glimpse (and a cheeky feel) of the Bat-Pod and I was also lucky to see all the costumes in glass display units. I have been looking at your website for about 2 years now and find it really interesting, especially being a collector myself. Also once I get all my collection together I will send you some pics. I have some really wicked stuff like Hot Toys, Model Kits, Action Figures, and a few really rare items. Anyway, keep up the brilliant website! I have attached some pictures of that day I went to see the costumes and Bat-Pod. The picture with the guy in a white t-shirt & brown hat is me!" Cool, very cool! Thank you for sending these great pics Lee & also for the kind words about this blog! Getting to meet Bat-Fans from all over the world is really exciting for me. On a side note I am totally jealous you got to see the real Bat-Pod & these cool costumes, that's a Super-RARE opportunity! It's really neat that Warner Bros displayed this stuff so far away, in the UK. So tell me honestly, did you totally want to steal the Bat-Pod? I know I would have, Ha Ha!
Photos of Bill's Batman Toy Collection!

A Bat-Blog reader named Bill, who lives in Guthrie, OK, sent us some photos to share of his cool Batman Toy Collection. He states that he just started to collect this stuff & I think he's accumulated some really great pieces so far! The great thing about collecting Batman items is that there is such a HUGE amount of collectibles out there that you can spend like five lifetimes trying to get it all. Thanks for sharing the pics Bill, I appreciate that. I always love seeing other people's collections so I would like to take a moment to invite all other readers to send us some photos of your bat-memorabilia!
Action Figures,
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Savage Chickens Webcomic with Bat-Blog Parody

A friend of mine, named Deb, knows that I really love a webcomic called SAVAGE CHICKENS by Doug Savage & she sent this comic strip to me. The funny thing is she added a little bit to the last panel, something about the Bat-Blog, ha ha! Thanks Deb, this funny graphic totally made my's hilarious!! For readers unfamiliar with this humor website please be sure to check out someday, you'll be glad you did! Also, everybody please tell all your friends about the Bat-Blog.Com!!

DC Direct announced the other day a brand-new BATMAN BEYOND Deluxe Collector Figure ( 1:6 Scale ). The retail price will be $99.99, ouch! But this doll actually looks pretty cool! Terry McGinnis will have a highly detailed bat-suit, complete with glider wings that measure approximately 14" across. It will also come with a display box & doll stand. It's set for a release date of January 2010. This animated cartoon series was one of my top favorites so I might just have to break down & get this one, it's AWESOME!
Batman & Batgirl "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday"

Every Wednesday we post a few free Batman-Themed Desktop Backgrounds here at the Bat-Blog. It's called "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday"! The first one features an amazing graphic of Batgirl. Some readers might know about a contributor here named "The BATFAN", who has an extensive original comic book art collection. Well, this image is from a convention sketch he owns. I made the background pink because that's kinda "girly" & Batgirl is a woman, ha ha. OK, actually pink is one of my top favorite colors, anybody got a problem with that? Now, for the next one it features Batman with a Japanese theme. This was sent in by our good friend Sean Hartter. Sean is a very talented Graphic Artist & he's been reading Chip Kidd's new Bat-Manga book. Actually, this book was the inspiration for this's great! I really like the Japan-Style Batman Logo seen behind the figure. The figure too is pretty cool, very original. Thanks to both BATFAN & Hartter for contributing to this week's wallpaper event. You guys seriously ROCK!
comic book,
Original Art,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Awesome BATMAN Theme Birthday Cake

Our friend Jose, who lives in Spain, just sent us this photo of an incredible BATMAN Birthday Cake! The graphic is the older "Comic Book Version" of Batman & I totally love it! Whoever made it did a great job. Thanks Jose. If any other readers have had a bat-birthday lately then please send some photos to share. Personally, I think that these cakes are total works of ART.
Birthday Cake,
Birthday Party,
comic book,
Video: BATMAN BLOOD AND MUD ( REDUX ) 3D Animation Fan-Made Film
BATMAN: BLOOD AND MUD REDUX - 3D animation - contains violent graphic images. Reticom Films has re-issued it's fan-made film but with a few extra scenes & better quality. It's based upon the acclaimed graphic novel by Frank Miller's THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. "In a not distant future, Bruce Wayne now retired from his vigilante duties, watches the city of Gotham burn under the merciless attacks of a new criminal breed, The Mutants. Bruce's alter ego torments his mind, waiting the moment when the dark knight returns to avenge Gotham one last time." This animated flick by Thiago Micalopulos, produced by Carolina Romano, Music by Jeremy Flinders. A. Spliff Rosa, Mac Cauley, Carolina Romano, James La maquina.

Blood and Mud,
Frank Miller,
Graphic Novel,
The Dark Knight Returns,
Monday, May 25, 2009
Batman Fan Goes Batty on MySpace!

I use MySpace to promote the Bat-Blog, stay in touch with friends / family, & meet new people. For a little while it was sort of addictive but I'm OK now, ha ha. Recently I made a new friend named Kearstin. She's a very pretty girl who loves comic books, cosplay ( superhero costumes ), & Batman. The other day I visited her photo gallery to see a new costume she had made. While there I saw this totally hilarious photo & knew I had to post it, ha ha! She was kind enough to share it & I appreciate that. It's just a really wonderful picture ( Thanks Kearstin ). On a side note, if ANY Bat-Blog Readers are on MySpace & we're not friends yet then please ADD ME!! Here's a link button: