I totally love Original Comic Book Art & if I could afford it I would totally collect it. I have a few pieces of art but nothing really Batman-related. Well, I did meet Art Baltazar recently & got an "Adam West Batman" sketch from him. So, OK, maybe 1 item. But shown here is an amazing piece of art that I would totally love to have. This is the original cover art for BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL # 28. It's done by no other than Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, a legend in the industry. It features the Riddler as the main villain & the composition is really striking. Be sure to click on the picture of the artwork for a larger, more detailed, photo ...it's really really nice! OK, If there are any Bat-Blog Readers out there who specialize in collecting Batman art then please send us some pics. It can be Comic Book Cover Art or Pages, Animation Cels, Production Art, Style Sheets, etc...