I just met this guy on the internet & how did I know he was a serious Batman Fan? Well, because he has this HUGE Batman Tattoo Art of a Bat-Symbol Logo on his chest! Now, that's what I call dedicated. He recently got it & it's pretty cool. It's done "life-size" so, I guess, when he removes his shirt it looks like he is wearing a Batman Costume underneath, that's awesome! Actually, his name is Denis & he was kind enough to allow us to post his photo. So, many many thanks to Denis for the great picture. Dude, the Bat-Tat looks really great, good job on that! We publish Batman-related Tattoos all the time so if any new Bat-Blog Readers get one then please send us a pic! ( Actually, if you have ANY Batman-related material please send that too: Brand-New Merchandise, Vintage Toy Collections, Birthday Cakes, etc...)