OK, I gotta say upfront that this is a post I am very proud of. You see, I just recently got an e-mail from a Batman Fan who lives in Egypt! Yes, EGYPT...How cool is that?! Her name is Myret & she says she has loved the Dark Knight since she was around 9 years old. She is now 23. She was also kind enough to send some great photos of a few pieces of Batman-related merchandise she has found in her country. The 1st two photos relate to a Batman Food Product called "Halwani FUN Sausages". They are a Meat Snack & the box says, "They're Ready To Eat!" She said that as a free premium inside you get the Set of Batman Playing Cards that are shown in the 2nd picture. WOW, a whole deck! The last photo shows 2 Bags of Potato Chips that she said are a lot like ( American ) Cheetos. Now, their special premium prize were some Batman & Robin ( comic book version ) Puzzle Playing Pieces. I guess if you collect them all they make a neat image...WOW! Thank you so very much Myret for taking the time to shoot these nice pics. I really appreciate you sending them. These unusual pieces of Bat-Memorabilia are really GREAT!!