Alright! It's "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday" again here at the Bat-Blog & this week we have some really really weird stuff. Now most of you know our Batman Wallpapers are usually breathtaking, plus elegant & tasteful, ha ha! Well, they still are this time but they're also kinda strange. The 1st one is using Japanese graphics from a Vintage 1960's "Batman Toy Briefcase". It was a bootleg item from Japan & that explains the unusual coloring. But it's a great part of Bat-history so there you go! the next image is from a future DC Comics Batman comic book showing the "Return of Bruce Wayne". Well, sort of. You see, when "Bruce Wayne Batman" was killed by Darkseid awhile back he wasn't really killed but sent back in time. He awakes much later & his mind is confused plus he doesn't quite know where he is or what his name is ( something like that ) &, the kicker, he still becomes "Batman" anyway! Oh yeah, he becomes the Dark Knight in the "Caveman Days", ha ha! But don't laugh. I think this is gonna be an extremely cool storyline ( or at least let's hope so ). The artwork here is done by Andy Kubert & it's totally totally incredible. Now, don't forget, the large wallpapers are for your computer desktop & the small ones are formatted to fit the screen of an Apple iPod Touch or iPhone...enjoy!