I guess that today is "Joker Day" here at the Bat-Blog! Personally, I have been so busy creating the brand-new Bat-Blog website that I have sort of been neglecting this one a little bit & I'm sort of behind in my e-mails. There's kind of a backlog right now, sorry. So, if you're a reader who has mailed us some goodies please look for them soon. Here's one sent in to us by a friend named Brian. It's a funny photoshop picture of the Joker ( Heath Ledger ) as Ronald McDonald, HA HA HA HA HA! I was taking a sip of coffee at the exact moment I opened this one & almost shot coffee through my nose, I laughed so hard, ha ha! Yeah, good times. I guess I need to explain about the "New Bat-Blog". I now have a HOST & I'm embedding a Wordpress Template into it. It's been a lot of hard work so far & it doesn't look like I have done anything yet. It's gonna take some time but in the future there will be a brand-new Bat-Blog. I can already tell that it's gonna be a much needed improvement! With the success of The Dark Knight movie my traffic has nearly doubled. Plus, near the end of this month is the two year anniversary of this blog & for the event I want to implement the new page. It's sort of exciting! I hope I can get it done in this time frame but it does look like it might take longer. Crunching code takes many many hours so we'll see. But, I'll keep everybody up to date & in the mean time you can always come here for new material. One last thing: Thanks Brian for sending this photo, it's awesome!!