Yes, you read the title correctly...BATMAN PURIFIED WATER!! A friend to the Bat-Blog, named Todd, sent me this photo of a bottle of Batman Water, ha ha! At first I thought it was a joke, maybe something some fan had made, just because it seems kinda ridiculous! I wrote Todd back & asked, "Is this thing real or a joke?" Ha Ha, he wrote back, "No, it's real! I bought it a Toys R US about a month ago". As an obsessed Batman collector I really love wacky stuff like this, the crazier, the better. I like that they used JIM LEE artwork for the label, that's cool. A lot of companies, all the time, are trying to capitalize on the success of this character & sometimes they have some wacky-crazy ideas. Todd later told me he writes a website called SUPERHERO FOOD where he showcases his collection of superhero-related food items. Memorabilia like Superman Peanut Butter, Spiderman Cereal, Teen Titans Popsicles, etc...I told him that I have been there before & it's a favorite site of mine. I also like to collect this kind of stuff but keep my collection down to mainly Batman items. I have been trying to link to his site here but there's been problems. Once it's avaliable again I'll add a link, sorry.