Here's some pictures I have been meaning to post for awhile but got sort of side-tracked because I have been so busy, sorry. A friend named Craig, who lives in Scotland, sent these photos showing his new Apple MacBook Air Computer that he customized with a Batman Movie Logo like the one in Batman Begins & The Dark Knight. Now, I don't use Apple because they're sort of too expensive for me ( I'm poor, ha ha ) but I really do love the design of their products. They already make some really cool stuff but Craig made his MacBook Air even cooler! He wrote, "I call this my BATBOOK AIR, the Apple logo glows when its on causing the Batsignal to glow as well!" Thanks Craig for sending these nice pics, you did a great job on this customization...awesome! If any other Bat-Blog Readers have done something like this then please shoot us an e-mail, thanks.