Ever since I saw that scene, at the end of BATMAN BEGINS, where Jim Gordon hands a Joker Playing Card ( in a police evidence bag ) over to Batman & Batman replies, "I'll check into it" we have known that the next movie was gonna have The Joker! For awhile there was wild speculation as to which actor would be this character. Then we all heard the name "Heath Ledger". To be honest, at first, I thought it was a weird choice. But, I put my trust in Christopher Nolan's decision & look what has happened. All the news reports & reviews are saying that Ledger's performance is easily Oscar worthy. That he plays the Joker with incredible skill. Well, I'm really excited about that & tonight, after waiting almost 2 years, some friends & I are gonna go to a special midnight showing! I'm totally excited & really looking forward to this film. OK, sorry to go on & on. Let's get to the reason of this post. I thought, to celebrate the movie, I would post 2 DARK KNIGHT Desktop Background Wallpapers! The 1st one is a montage of a few different Batman TDK Movie Posters. This one was created & sent in by a Bat-Blog Reader named Levi. I think it looks really cool, thanks Levi & GOOD JOB! I made the 2nd one & it's the classic scene with the Bat-Pod motorcycle crashing though the window of a Gotham City building. I hope you enjoy both of these!