Our friend Matt sent these 2 very cool photos showing him at the actual location where one part of THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie was filmed in Chicago. Do you remember the now-classic scene in the movie trailer where the Joker is standing in the street & Batman whips the Bat-Pod motorcycle around, then there's a close-up of the Joker ( Heath Ledger ) looking back? Well, this is that street! Ever since seeing that famous scene I knew that this exact location would be a super-famous tourist spot! I mean, it's gonna be like that cross-walk in England where the Beatles shot that Abbey Road cover!! Chicago is a beautiful city & I know that the next time I'm there I am gonna have to get a shot like this, ha ha! Matt, thank you for sharing these pics, they're great, good job! But, could you please send me the address of this street because a million readers are gonna ask, ha ha! Just please leave a comment & they can read it there, thanks again.