The other day I was talking with a friend about the Bat-Blog. I told him about how I have been writing the blog for 2 years now & I post 2-3 items every single day. OK, sometimes I miss a day but then I post 4-5 items to make it up, ha ha. Anyway, he said what do you do if you don't have an idea for a certain day? I told him, "I post a Classic Batman Comic Book Cover", ha ha. I mean, it's easy to do & it's kinda neat because while it does create "historical reference", it also helps to bring back memories for readers. Like, "Wow, I remember when comics were only 25 cents!" or, "Yeah, I always loved that certain bat-logo." Another thing people like is seeing a favorite artist again like Jim Aparo, Neal Adams, Carmine Infantino, Norm Breyfogle, etc... I asked my friend if he had any bat-memories & he told me this story. "While sitting in the car my Dad went into a 7-11 store & bought me my VERY first comic book, a Batman comic. It was a story about a villain named The Wringer. I must have been about 5 or 6 years old. I remember the appeal the comic had on me because the story was sooo crazy. The villain got his name because he liked to wring necks, ha ha!" Well, ok, this cover is for you Dave! Thanks for sharing your tramatic childhood story. The issue was Batman #278 from Aug 1976. I hope it's not too scary for ya, ha ha ( inside joke ). If any other readers have any nice stories to share about their Batman fandom then please leave a comment below, thanks.