I don't know why but as a serious Batman Fan & Toy Collector I have always been intrigued by the fact that Batman is very popular all around the world & I think it's cool that he's been adapted by so many different cultures. In other words, the fact that he is so "universal" is an interesting concept to me. Take this photo. Even though I am really into fine art & even sort of an "art snob" I have always loved the artwork of children. It's always very honest & has a sweet charm to it. I really love it & here's a great example. Here's a set of different murals done by Japanese school children for some project. It was done at the Ninomiya High School Festival in 2005. Can you spot Batman in the pic? ( I f you need the small picture to be bigger just click on it for a larger photo ). It's kinda hard to tell but he's operating a "shaved ice" snow cone machine, ha ha! Come on, ya gotta love that!