A friend of mine sent me this very cool Vintage Ad the he found in an old 1980's Batman Comic Book, ©1982 to be exact. It's an advertisement for SEARS Department Stores & the fact that they carry a popular game called THE ORIGINAL MAGIC SNAKE. Which, looks a lot like a Rubik's Cube-Type Puzzle. Apparently Robin, The Boy Wonder has been kidnapped by The Joker & the clues lead Batman to the toy department of the local Sears. The advertising is one of those kind that are made to look just like the comic book you're reading at the time. When I first saw this I thought it was one of those "Hostess Cupcake" ads, remember those? I always loved them so this one was quite a surprise! Plus I really like old vintage toys so it's twice as awesome. ( Thanks Gary ). Everybody, be sure to click on the above image for a HUGE version you can actually read...enjoy!