A good friend to the Bat-Blog, known as The BATFAN, sent us these 2 photos of a piece of original comic book art he has in his collection. It's from the DC Comics' SHADOW OF THE BAT # 87 comic book & is the splash page that went across pages 12 & 13. One picture is a scan of the actual comic book & the other is the original inked artwork...very cool! Be sure to click on each of the photos up above for larger, more detailed, versions. The pencils were drawn by Mike Deodato Jr &, at the moment, I totally forgot who did the inks, ha ha, sorry about that. If any other readers have any drawings, sketches, or other art ( that is Batman-related ) then please send it in to us. The Bat-Blog is all about sharing the love of the Batman character in all its many different variations. I also wanna thank BATFAN for sending this in, that's very cool!