A company, named Profiles in History, recently sold the original Batman Bat-Suit worn by Michael Keaton in the 1992 BATMAN RETURNS for $90,000.00! This impressive costume includes the original “armored” rubber body suit, boots, gauntlet gloves with serrated “fins”, rubberized cape, and of course the iconic “Batman” cowl. ( Click on the above picture for a larger, more detailed, photo ). This is a complete costume from head-to-toe, with the zippered closure in the back to allow entry for Keaton. The entire costume is mounted on a custom display with a lifecast of Michael Keaton, and stands over six feet tall. Personally I think 90 thousand is kinda cheap for a great piece of Bat-History like this but it's still outta my price range. If I was a millionaire collector I would have bid 92, just to be symbolic ...ha ha!