OK, We all need a good laugh every now & then so here are some humor photos of wacky Homemade Batman Items! The 1st one was sent in to us by our friend Rick & it's actually a very nice piece of yard art. His wife, while in Ohio, saw this & grabbed a photo for him. It's an extremely cool "Batman in Bat-Jet" sculpture. Now, while this is a beautiful piece of ART it is kinda funny too ( Thanks Rick & thank your wife also, she's cool ). The next one is really super-cute. Goo Goo. It's a crocheted plush doll of The Dark Knight! I think this would make a great gift for a little kid, ha ha! The 3rd photo is a craft item too. It's a "Batman Sock Monkey" & every time I see it I totally crack-up! The last photo is an item I saw on eBay recently. There's this guy who lives in Florida who is a very famous Tiki-God Artist. He makes some amazing pieces that sell pretty good. He recently did this one of our favorite superhero. Oh come on, you know you want this in your back yard! It would be a perfect party decoration for your company's Annual Bar-B-Que!