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It's official! The BAT-BLOG has started a MySpace page called TOMSTOYZ. We want to invite every loyal Bat-Blog reader to join! We have added a LINK BUTTON below to visit that page. When you get there just sign in & click on the"Add Me Now" button.You can sign-up with an existing MySpace acount or create a new the great news is that IT'S FREE!! JOIN TODAY FOR FREE!
Here's a really great vintage 60's photo sent in by a loyal BAT-BLOG reader named "Johnny West". Ha ha, ok John, is that your real name? It shows a kid riding the Super-RARE MARX BATMOBILE ride-on toy car & he's wearing his bat-cowl & cape too! Thanx John for this awesome pic!! I hope our readers love it as much as I do!! In an earlier BAT-BLOG post we have the 1960's MARX BATMOBILE RIDE-ON TOY CAR TV Commercial online right here, just down below, or check the Batblog Archives.
I found this photo on the internet & it really cracks me up. I mean, it's not a "fake" humor photo but a real-life place. This is the GOTHAM CITY Restaurant in New Jersey, NY. I hope they spread out & are eventually in Oklahoma City ( where I live ) ha ha! Be sure to check the archives for more Batman humor!

In this Batblog Post I'm showing 2 beautiful photos of an extremely RARE Vintage 60's Carnival Ride Car that was used by some fairs on their merry-go-round. It's a fiberglass Batmobile with Batman driving...WOW! I really love this thing & would like to have it in my personal Batman toy collection. As always you can click the small pics to see larger pix. Please remember to CHECK OUT THE BAT-BLOG ARCHIVES for an earlier story on this ride PLUS 160 other bat-posts!
Alot of people don't know that when the 1st Vintage Batman PEZ Dispenser was released it came with a rubber cape attached & this piece is really hard to find today. Here's a great photo I found showing it MINT in original bag package. I have one of these but it's missing the cape, this would make an awesome upgrade! Please remember to CHECK OUT THE ARCHIVES for more pix of RARE Vintage Batman Toys!

A loyal BAT-BLOG Reader from Italy recently sent me some photos of 2 Italian Batman Comic Books from his personal collection & I love these pix! Thanx Paul, these are super cool & I'm sure everybody will love them! Both comics are vintage & from the 1970's / 80's. We want to invite other readers with any cool Batman-Related photos to send them too! Be sure to CHECK OUT THE BAT-BLOG ARCHIVES for many more pics like this!
Does anyone else remember these great Hostess Twinkies Ads from the comic books of the 1970's & 80's?? This one features Batgirl in the costume I like the best ( grey ). These used to crack me up the way they "tricked you" into reading the ad....they usually had some nice artwork & a funny story but at the end they always sales-pitched Hostess Snacks, funny! As always you can click the small picture for a larger photo...and remember to CHECK OUT THE ARCHIVES for more vintage ads & toys!

Our friend Ramiro from Argentina has sent another awesome pic of some of his RARE Batman Collection! This time it's some packages with the name "CHICLE GLOBO : TATUAJE". I forgot the exact year but they're from the 1980's. They had a free premium inside of some rub-on tattoos & you can see them in the 2nd photo! I love the artwork on these, very cool! Thanks Ramiro, you're the greatest! If anyone else has some cool personal pix then please feel free to send them.
Here's a great photo sent in to me by a "Wacky Packages Sticker Collector" who thought you guys might find this funny, I do! This is a parody version of what the packaging for the line of 1989 Batman Movie action figures looked like. I'll try to find a photo to add later of the original figure to jog your memory. But this picture is funny just the way it is!
OK, I didn't have much time to post anything tonight so I thought I would show this great reference photo pic of the Super-Rare 1970's BATMAN BATCAVE PLAYSET! This was made by MEGO TOYS in the 70's for the Batman & Robin Action Figure Dolls! I love old vintage toys like this, especially the graphics on the box!! The coolest thing I remember about this now very collectible toy was that it had a Bat-Signal that shot the bat-symbol on the wall, like a flashlight. As always you can click on the small picture above for a way bigger photo. Also, remember to check the archives for more RARE VINTAGE BATMAN TOY information & pics!
For as long as I can remember I have been a really big fan of both the humor & artwork of Fred Hembeck! Those of you not familuar with his work should check it out. He did alot of work for both DC Comics & Marvel Comic Books. Usually it was "filler space" & one of his comic strips would appear on a page or two. Sometimes he did a whole page story. He's even done a few comic books on his own & is a highly sought after commercial artist. But the most important thing is he's loved by alot of comic geeks ( I mean GEEK in a good way here, hee hee ). Once you learn what his art looks like you will always recognize it later. It's sort of simple in a minimal kinda way & very "cartoony" but the details to the character are extremely accurate to who he's drawing & it's really awesome! If you're familuar with comic book heroes then you recognize that character right away! Recently he's been selling his artwork on eBay, what he calls his "cover recreations". These are full-size pen & ink drawings of classic comic book covers in his "cartoony" style ....they're really great! If I wasn't so poor I would buy one or maybe even commission him to do a piece of art! I love his stuff. He also has a nice webpage worth checkin' out. I've included a LINK BUTTON to his website on the top/right-hand side of my BLOG. While there be sure to read his BLOG called "Fred Sez"....funny!
It's official! The BAT-BLOG has started a MySpace page called TOMSTOYZ. We want to invite every loyal Bat-Blog reader to join! We have added a LINK BUTTON below to visit that page. When you get there just sign in & click on the"Add Me" button.You can sign-up with an existing MySpace acount or create one...IT'S FREE!! JOIN MYSPACE TODAY
Recently, on Oct 7th, Heritage Auctions of Dallas sold an Original Pair of BATMAN COSTUME GLOVES worn by Adam West on the 1966 TV show! The final eBay auction price was $7000.00. Man, being poor sucks! I hope the new owner eventually donates these to the Smithsonan, or some other major museum, because these are National Treasures! I've been following Heritage Auctions even before they got on eBay. They have always sold some of the most incredible pieces of memobrailla around. I live in Oklahoma City & once in awhile we travel to Dallas to visit some friends. While there we always pass the large building they're located at & I start to fantasize about just going in there with a few million & buying everything! Be sure to click the above photo for a larger picture, it really shows alot of details.
Here's something I have sitting around in the front yard that the neighborhood kids like to come around & play with!

This post marks the 150th article to the BAT-BLOG! To celebrate I thought I would add 2 photos of an extremely RARE 1960's Batman Water Gun! You can click the small photos above for a nice sharp large photo you can use as PC wallpaper. If you're looking for more Batman Wallpaper then you can also check out our BATMAN WALLPAPER PAGE. The LINK Button is on the top right-hand side of the BATBLOG. There you'll find many versions of the Batman Symbol Logo, Batgirl, Joker, Catwoman, etc...Please remember to BOOKMARK THE BAT-BLOG before you leave! We also have other wallpaper in our ARCHIVES so be sure to check that out too!

Recently a very loyal & extremely cool BAT-BLOG reader named Ramiro, who lives in Argentina, sent us some awesome photos of some Super-RARE Batman Toys from Brazil & Argentina!! In a previous article we posted a few of his pictures of some RARE Batman Family Hand Puppets. Here we're gonna show you a few Batman & Batgirl Vehicles he sent! The 1st pic is of a SUPER-RARE BATGIRL ON BAT-CYCLE...I love this toy & wish I had it!! It looks like it's friction powered & has some great details....very nice! I also love the BATGIRL FIGURE riding the bike. The 2nd shot is a pair of really cheesy ( and I mean that in a good way, ha ha ) PLASTIC BATMOBILES! It looks like one is for Batman & Robin while Wonder Woman is driving the other car, LOL! Hey, I thought she owns an invisible plane. Thanks very much for the great pictures Ramiro....keep 'em coming! I appreciate them alot & think my readers will like them alot too! I'll be posting even more of your pix in the near future. If anybody else has some cool pix to share of their favorite RARE toys please send them to the BATBLOG! Be sure to check the ARCHIVES for many more RARE TOYS! ( As Always You Can Click The Small Picture Above For Larger Photos! )
Here's an example of great art! This is the original comic book art for the cover to Batman # 473. It was done by Norm Breyfogle & Alan Grant. I would really love to own this for my personal art gallery. The BAT-BLOG has included a NORM BREYFOGLE LINK BUTTON in the top right-hand side, check it out! We also have a LINK BUTTON for Neal Adams, Bruce Timm, Paul Gulacy, & others. As always you can click the picture above for a larger one. Please remember to BOOKMARK the BatBlog before ya go!
I recently came across this photograph at a Frank Gorshin Fan Site & for some reason it really moved me. The gravestone is beautiful the way they added the image of the microphone casting a shadow of Frank behind it but he's not there. I also like the ART DECO style of it, very well done. He was really a great actor but most importantly a very nice person, R.I.P. I recently added Frank Gorshin's Official Website to my LINK BUTTONS. You can find it on the top right-hand side of the blog. Please remember to BOOKMARK the BAT-BLOG before you leave!
Here's a recent eBay find of a HUSKY CORGI Diecast Toy Car of the 1966 Batmobile that is extremely RARE. This special packaging is from the UK & hard to find in the USA! I'm sorry I forgot the exact price it went for but it was in the hundreds! Here at the BATBLOG we were extremely impressed with this & knew many of you would want to see a picture of this RARE collectible! By the way, "MIP" means "MINT IN PACKAGE". If you like Corgi, or just RARE Batman Toys in general, then be sure to check out our archives for more photos.
Nothing to do? Feeling kinda bored? Well, stop your whining ya big cry baby & go over to the Official Warner Bros webpage where they have 10 episodes of THE GOTHAM GIRLS for you to check out! These are Flash-Animated cartoons you can view on the web & they're FREE!! The animation quality is very excellent : nice artwork, decent stories, nice voices, plus some cool sound effects & music! I have a Gotham Girls LINK BUTTON on the top-right-hand side of this BLOG so go click on it. Please remember to BOOKMARK my site before ya go or if you don't wanna see those then just check out my ARCHIVES for almost 140 articles all about Batman! ( Look at the above picture, Poison Ivy is checkin' out the BAT-BLOG on her PC, HA HA! ).

As loyal Bat-Blog Readers know, I love the foriegn Batman Items! I mean, they're just super-wacky & really hard-to-find! So, you can understand my surprise when a few readers sent some photos of obscure "Foreign Batman" comic book covers! WOW! The 1st one is a current brand-new comic published by DC in India! I have a friend who lives in India & I'm gonna ask him to get me a few copies, these look cool! ( I also love the strange logo with that cool font! ). And the 2nd one is a Super-RARE 1960's magazine, I think it's bootleg, of Batman from Turkey! Check out the groovy 60's babe clinging to Batman's leg, LOL! I wanna thank everyone who e-mailed pix & invite anyone with cool Batman Toys or related items to do the same! It's the readers who make this site great!

While surfing the net I found this cool webpage for the company that produces these 1966 Batman Resin Model Kits. The name of the company is JOHNNY'S RESIN KITS & they produce alot of high-quality stuff! They are the only official kit endorsed by Burt Ward ( TV's Robin The Boy Wonder ). They have many highly detailed kits of both the heroes & villians from the classic TV Show, even a very large 1/25th Scale Batmobile! I contacted the owner of the site & he said he was familuar with the BAT-BLOG! I told him I wanted to add a link & do a few articles about his products. He seemed kinda excited & was kind enough to send me a RARE photo of the brand-new ADAM WEST kit that has not been seen before! See the above photo, this kit of "Mr. West" will be released later this month. If you're interested in buying some kits, or just enjoying some pleasant eye-candy, then check out their webpage! I've included a link button in my LINKS area, look to the top-right-hand side of my blog. Please remember to BOOKMARK The Bat-Blog before ya go! ( As Always, Click On The Small Pictures Above For Larger Photos! ).
This is just a quick post, mainly to show this photo, of a RARE 1972 Batmobile MINT IN BOX! Now, you usually see these Tin Toy Car Batmobiles around but NEVER with the original box!! Here's what the box looks like....WOW! If ya wanna see the car in more detail then be sure to check my archives and/or wallpaper page for a super-large photo of this classic toy car.
Here's an awesome Batman wallpaper used to promote the new video game titled JUSTICE LEAGUE HEROES. I think it will be available for the Playstation 2 & XBOX sometime this month. I recently visited their official website & it looks pretty cool! You can be Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, etc...There's gonna be alot of characters to play & the graphics look awesome, I can't wait!! Check back for more details when I get them. Also, if you like PC Wallpaper then you should check out my Batman Wallpaper Page! The link is avaliable in my LINK BUTTON area, on the top-right. ( Click the Small Picture Above For Larger Wallpaper ).