In the wake of a New York politician that likes to send pictures of his private parts to young girls over the internet, comes a tale of another miserable disgrace to his office-John Liu NYC Comptroller.
No, John hasn’t engaged in any sexual misconduct, at least anything that has been made public. His misdeeds lie in his arrogant character and warped sense of himself. At the very first meeting of his staff he insisted that they rise to their feet whenever he enters a room and address him as, “Mr. Comptroller”.
That was an early warning sign that Liu has some series self esteem issues.
But, more importantly what Liu has demonstrated to the voters of New York City is that he’s a whore for the public sector unions.
Arrogant, deranged, and possibly psychotic, Liu is not fit to hold public office any longer.
You’ve been warned!
New York Post Editorial
Out of comptrol
There he goes again.
City Comptroller John Liu, once again carrying water for a municipal union, is trying to ban management firms that work with city pension funds from publicly disagreeing with him or the police union.
That is, Liu seeks to harness the muscle of the pension funds he helps oversee to stifle criticism of him, the pension funds or the unions.
It's an outrage, even if it is par for the public-be-damned, unions-come-first policies that he adopted upon taking office 18 months ago.
Liu wants to let fund trustees fire a manager who, in their "sole determination," causes them "to receive materially adverse publicity" or "affects [their] reputation."
R Translation: If you want to do business with New York's municipal pension funds, you dummy up or you go away -- no matter what's best for the funds themselves.
Clearly Liu doesn't give a fig about hiring the best outside pension managers -- those who will maximize investment returns at the lowest cost to the city.
The Bloomberg administration is simply flabbergasted.
"The only impact of the [policy] would be to encourage the firing of effective managers for their public comments," Finance Commissioner David Frankel wrote pension-fund trustees.
"Such action could sacrifice the much-needed investment returns of [pension funds] in an attempt to use [fund] assets as leverage in public debate," he said.
That's one way of looking at it. Here's another: Liu, et al., want to use the funds as a bludgeon not for "leverage," but to kill public debate altogether.
Bloomberg officials fiercely opposed the plan at a "spirited" trustees meeting yesterday, a City Hall aide said.
Liu's office, meanwhile, denied drafting the language, saying only that it's "part of an ongoing contract negotiation between the manager and the Pension Board."
Please: Everyone knows the comptroller hammers out those contracts.
Nor is this the first time Liu has sought to dictate public speech.
In January, he scrapped a meeting with the investment managers Blackstone Group after its chief strategist stated the obvious -- that public-employee pension benefits are unsustainably high.
As the city's chief fiscal watchdog, Liu is supposed to protect taxpayers. But like the fox guarding the hen-house, he sees his job instead as a chance to rob them -- and use their cash to help his union pals.
Clearly this guy needs to be restrained.