Here we go again with the never ending game of “gotcha” by the Leftwing blogasphere. Yesterday it was John Wayne, Waterloo, serial killers, and Michele Bachmann’s faulty memory.
Today, it’s whether or not John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father. Good Lord, how more silly can Liberals get? Somebody grab Jay Leno so he can do a segment of Jay Walking” to see how many Americans can actually name even one FF.
By the findings of a recent survey that was reported on a week ago, most American High School students are lousy at American history. And whom might you ask are in control of these dens of inferior learning….wait for it…Liberals!
So it’s insane these drones are so quick to jump on Bachmann for what most people don’t know of anyway.
Maybe they do Betsy Ross tomorrow?
Did Barack Obama not knowing how many states we have stop him from becoming president?
I’m here all week!