Check out this amazing photo! It belongs to a guy in New Jersey named Gene. His story is, "Back in February of 1967, my dad took me and my younger brother Michael over to the Old Armory in West Orange, NJ, where they used to have great Hot Rods and Stock Car Shows. My Dad took this lone photo of us in front of one of the five original BATMAN TV 1966 Batmobiles!" WOW!!! Gene strongly believes the Custom Car he saw in 1967 was the #4 Batmobile ( the vehicle used for all the drag racing scenes ) because of the elaborate seat belt harnesses he and his brother recall seeing in the interior. Also, CHECK OUT the awesome life-size cardboard cutouts of Adam & Burt to the far right!!! This is a Classic Childhood Photograph! I wanna thank BatDave for bringing it to our attention & especially thank Gene for sharing his wonderful childhood memory... great stuff!