I recently met this very nice guy on Facebook & he shared the fact that he is getting some tattoo ink work done as a tribute to his favorite Batman Villain, The Joker. He was kind enough to send us some photos & I have to say that they're very impressive. Now, I forgot to ask, but I think they are in their early stages & will probably be colored. But even if they're not they are both pretty cool just like they are. Oh yeah, there are 2 of them. One of them is on his right arm, a nice portrait of Joker's face. The other one is sort of large & is under his neck! The "Neck Tattoo" is an interesting concept because when he raises his head you can see a Joker smile. The artwork is inspired by the cover art to the recent JOKER Graphic Novel with original art by Lee Bermejo ( written by Brian Azzarello ). You know the one I'm talking about, but I'm posting a photo of it as a reminder or for people unfamiliar with it. But most people should know it because it's starting to become a very iconic image. As a side note, it's a great read too. Now, back to the tattoo. The artwork so far has been done by Nate Laird at INK DADDYS in Salem, OR. I'm assuming that if it's colored it will be the same guy. This artist's work is very high quality. These JOKER Tattoos are very cool & I wanna thank Jessie for sharing some of his personal photos with us. If any other bat-Blog fans get some ink done then shoot us some pics!