I got a wonderful email last night from a Bat-Blog Reader named Matthew who reported that TARGET Retail Stores are carrying Batman-related merchandise in their "Dollar Bins" again, awesome! So, be sure to keep an eye out on your next trip there. The "Dollar Bins" are usually located near the front of the store, as soon as you enter. Personally I really love the fun stuff they sell. Matthew said he bought a Batman Sticker Pack (with a play scene), 2 Activity Books, and 2 Jumbo Activity Books. There were also a lot more items that he did not purchase like: Another Sticker Pack, Motion Stickers, 4 Packs of Crayons (Batman themed and Joker themed), Markers, Push-Up Pencils, and 2 little Childrens Books one of which was a Riddler story. These are just in time for Back to School! Plus remember, you are never to old to color in a Batman Coloring Book, ha ha! To give you an idea what they look like check out the pics that he sent, Thanks Matthew!!