Here's a really great vintage 60's Batman item that I know a lot of people may have never seen before. In my collection I have almost every single Batman paperback from this era, except this one, it's very hard to find! In fact, I've always been familiar with what the cover looks like but I didn't know what the content was. So, here we go! This is a vintage paperback book titled IT'S FUN TO BE A BATMAN! ( Written by Leonard Goldstein ). It was made around the time of the 1966 TV Show & it featured a lot of altered B&W photos where they took some person in the picture & made them into Batman or Robin. Plus, they gave them funny captions. It's a really weird book. I wanna thank our buddy Chris who shared these pics. I told him I never knew about the strange photos inside. I hope to find myself a copy of this book someday...it will be MINE, ha ha!