Yeah, that's right, you heard it. It's Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday™ again! We post a few quality Batman-related Wallpapers here at the Bat-Blog every single Wednesday. This week I'm very proud to say that all three Desktop Backgrounds you see here were sent in by two very creative Bat-Blog Members named Andrew & Hartter. Andrew did the one with Batman & Robin. He took some original comic book art that was black and white & added his own style of color to it. He always makes some really cool stuff. The other ones, with the Joker & the Bank Robber Goon ( The Dark Knight movie ), were done by Hartter. He drew these in his own unique style so you won't find them anywhere but here. I gotta say that all three of these backgrounds are really GREAT! I wanna personally thank both these guys for submitting this awesome material. I've said it once, I'll say it again: If the Bat-Blog is any good at all it's because the readers always send in such great material! Now I don't want that to sound trite or like I'm sucking up but here's the deal. When readers send in material it's always from left field. It's something that I wasn't thinking about at the time. When this happens it creates "variety" at this blog. Plus, most people send some really great stuff. I'm kinda going off right now because I never really get a chance to let readers know how much I appreciate that. Thank you, keep sending stuff in!