I know this is totally off-topic for a Batman Fan blog but I wanted to take this moment to honor Theodor Seuss Geisel, or Dr. Seuss, who would have been 105 years old today. All of his books will always remain total literary classics. There are way too many to list: The Cat In The Hat, Green Eggs & Ham, The Butter Battle Book, And To Think I Saw it On Mulberry Street, Fox in Socks, The Foot Book, Horton Hears a Who, Hop On Pop, and many many more! The "Cat In The Hat" graphic down below & the Black and White Photo of Dr. Seuss are actually Desktop Wallpapers you can use today to honor this great man, please do so. He has taught millions of children all over the world the joy of reading. He's a National Treasure & we will always be in his debt. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!