Yes! This Wednesday we're able to post new Batman Wallpapers! Last week we experienced the worst PC virus ever & was unable to post anything for a few days....aarrrgggh! But today we're on schedule. Here are 2 kick-ass Batman Wallpapers you can use to brighten your desktop or put in a MySpace layout. The 1st graphic is a scanned Golden Age Comic Book page where you see Batman bursting thru a window. As wallpaper, it looks like he is jumping thru your PC monitor. I love the "Retro 30's look" of Batman here. The 2nd graphic is by Frank Miller & is from the classic graphic novel THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. It has the cool Carrie Kelley ( Girl Robin ) character that you don't see a lot of, very obscure. Be sure to check the BAT-BLOG ARCHIVES for many many more desktop wallpapers. We also have a Batman Wallpapers page. The links for both are supplied on the right-side of the blog.