Here at the Olde BAT-BLOG we seriously LOVE the cartoon-style artwork of FRED HEMBECK! Those of you who don't know who this guy is should check out his website ( We have a link to his blog on our BAT-LINKS page, it's called HEMBECK'S COMIC STRIPS. The BAT-LINKS button is on the right-side of this page ). He's a really great comic book artist famous for his parodies of comic book heroes. He's done work for all the major comic book companies including DC & Marvel Comics. Currently he posts his artwork on eBay where he does what he calls "Comic Book Recreations". Basically he takes a very famous cover & re-does it in his special cartoon-style. For an example, we're showing his art of the cover to Batman #170. His is on the left & the original one is on the right, see what we're talkin' about? Great stuff!!!