OK, the coolest Bat-Memorabilia are the items made in the 60's for the 1966 TV Series, just our opinion! Ha Ha, here's some great examples: The Whitman company, who is famous for their coloring books, also made some great character Frame-Tray Puzzles. I think the puzzles are great! They usually have awesome graphics & are nice for display but for some reason they really get a bum-rap! I mean, the prices for these are usually pretty low, weird huh? The next bit of vintage Batman memorabilia shown here is this really cool 1966 Batman Swimming Pool Ring-Float. We seriously LOVE the vintage graphics on this baby...nice! The last bat-item shown is also the weirdest! Here's the classic 1966 Batman Troll Doll. Ya gotta love that Batman Costume, ha ha! We're asking ALL Bat-Blog Readers who have photos of their favorite toys to send them in today. Mainly, because the Bat-Blog is ALL ABOUT the love of collecting, thanks!