Remember, every Wednesday is "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday" here at the olde BAT-BLOG! Today here's 2 really cool Batman Wallpapers with the top picture being a graphic from the Corgi Toy Company. This is a hi-rez photo of the beautiful 1940's style Batmobile DieCast Toy Car they recently made. The next picture is a silly cartoon I found on a Spanish website in Spain, very obscure & also makes great PC wallpaper! ( Click the above pictures for larger photos ). If you want other FREE Batman Desktop Wallpaper Backgrounds then be sure to CHECK OUT THE BAT-BLOG WALLPAPER PAGE. There are alot of image designs ( Batman Logo, Batgirl, Joker, Bat-Symbol Signal, Batmobile, Robin & the Dark Knight, even Vintage Toys ) you can use on your MySpace Layout or just to brighten your computer's desktop! The button for the BAT-BLOG Free Batman Wallpaper Backgrounds Page is on the top right-hand side of this BatBlog! ( You might have to go to the main page )