While surfing the net I came across this picture of a guy with a HUGE Batman & Robin Back Tattoo that I knew BAT-BLOG Readers would think is cool! From a graphic-art point of view they are extremely well done with good sharpness & nice colors. Plus, this is showing some great respect for Batman so ya gotta love that! When I contacted the guy for permission to use the photo & maybe ask a question or two he had this to say, "I got them at the Lion's Den II Tattoo shop by an artist Named Tony. I tweeked the pictures because I wanted Robin to look younger in the tattoo than he did in the picture I gave him. I also chose that particular picture of The Batman because I thought it caught the determination and the intensity of the Batman really well. It took me 2 years to find the right picture of The Batman and 4 to find a Robin Tattoo that looked just as good as the Batman pic that I picked out of my collection of books that I own.". Wow, great response, thanx for sharing this with us Artie! I also wanna send a shout out to Tony of The Lion Den's II for doing such a great job...kudos! Wanna see more Batman-related Tattoos? Well, just check out the BAT-BLOG ARCHIVES because we've done a few other popular stories like this over the last few months. See y'all tommorrow!