Hating Casey Anthony is not the standard our system of laws uses to determine guilt. Otherwise we would need a prison the size of Rhode Island to house all the people that rubbed us the wrong way.
I think Casey Anthony probably killed her daughter. But, isn’t it a good thing that this Florida jury had the courage to base their decision on the evidence, or lack thereof?
Suppose it was you on trial for murder with bits and pieces of circumstantial evidence that made you look very guilty? All of a sudden it’s your face plastered all over the tabloids and the talking heads with an axe to grind and TV ratings to worry about are calling for your head 24/7.
If a system of justice can find a person as universally hated as Casey Anthony not guilty, then we all should be thankful because we have a system based on evidence instead of passion. That’s the way it supposed to work, and it this case it did.
Fault the Florida prosecutors for presenting a case that required more leaps of faith than facts in evidence. From the very beginning and to this day after six weeks of trial we still do not know how Kaylee Anthony died.
Yes, she’s dead!
But, did the state tell us how she died?
So, how can they say Anthony killed her?
She didn’t report the child missing for 30 days, she dance the night away, she told repeated lies about where Kayleee was, and got as tattoo to boot.
All true and all stipulated as such by the defense. But, where was the evidence that this mother killed her daughter, how did she do it?
That question was never answered by the state besides saying that it had to be the mother because she’s a liar. What else would she be lying about? And she acted like she was guilty.
Acting guilty is not proof of guilt, not in a court of law that demands the state prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
We all should be very glad about that.