Nafissatou Diallo is a high class hooker working at the Sofitel to score big money turning tricks. DSK stiffed her money for services rendered--oral sex. And the rest is a bunch of lies coming from this hooker’s mouth.
So, why not go on TV and play the victim card and work out a new kind of hustle for the suckers born every minute?
The Huffington Post
The hotel maid who accused former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn of rape has broken her silence with a pair of interviews -- one for this week's edition of Newsweek and another with ABC's Robin Roberts, set to air on Monday's "Good Morning America" and then "World News with Diane Sawyer" and "Nightline."
Both are the first mainstream news outlets to publicly name DSK's accuser -- Sofitel maid Nafissatou "Nafi" Diallo, 32, of Guinea.

In a three-hour long interview, Diallo recounted to Newsweek what took place on the day of her alleged attack. She said Strauss-Kahn was standing naked in his room when she knocked on his door.
From the magazine:
"Hello? Housekeeping." Diallo looked around the living room. She was standing facing the bedroom in the small entrance hall when the naked man with white hair appeared.
"Oh, my God," said Diallo. "I'm so sorry." And she turned to leave. "You don't have to be sorry," he said. But he was like "a crazy man to me." He clutched at her breasts. He slammed the door of the suite.
5-foot-10 Diallo worried about hurting Strauss-Kahn and told him, "Sir, stop this. I don't want to lose my job," ultimately running from the room "spitting" after supposedly refusing the French politician's advances.
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UPDATE 7/28/11
Strauss-Kahn accuser thanks supporters at first public appearance
New York Post
In her first public appearance, the DSK maid today told a gathering at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn that she and her daughter cry every day.
"I'm here today to tell everybody how much I'm going through," Nafissatou Diallo said.
She added that her daughter pleads with her to stop crying, saying she needs Diallo to be strong for her.
"What happened to me I don't want to happen to any other woman," she said.
"I said, 'God, why me? But I just want to thank everybody" for their support, Diallo said.
After her brief remarks, she was led out of the building while community leaders spoke.
Diallo, who is accusing former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault at the Sofitel hotel, and her lawyers spent nearly eight hours yesterday huddled with Manhattan prosecutors -- but failed to convince them she was not out to get money from the ex-IMF boss, sources told The Post.
The evidence her lawyers had counted on were audio recordings of calls between accuser Nafissatou Diallo and a jailed friend.
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