Here at the Bat-Blog we always love when Bat-Fans send us fun pics to share. Like these, from our friend Ruben, which show his rising Batman Toy Collection. There's some really cool stuff here & I like how it's displayed too. Ruben's main focus seems to be Action Figures or other figural-type items but we can also see some Hot Wheels Cars & other items too. Now, I know a lot of people are gonna ask, "Hey, What's that HUGE Batman Figure in the corner of that 1st pic?" Well, don't go searching in retail stores just yet, ha! That's a Life-Size BATMAN Statue that Ruben made awhile back. In fact, a few months ago we featured it here at the Bat-Blog, for more pics click HERE! One last thing before I complete this post, I wanna thank Ruben for sharing all of these wonderful photos, this is some cool stuff, thanks!