This week's "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday" is made-up of some Batman Backgrounds sent in by two very cool Bat-Blog Fans! The 1st one features a group of Batman Cos-Players in New Jersey known as "The BatSquad!" In costume, we see Batman, Batgirl, Catwoman and Robin... Now, that's serious fandom! The next pic was a photo shot by our friend Stephen of SMJART.COM. These are some older vintage Batman toys from around 1989. I think they were made to capitalize on the Tim Burton BATMAN movie craze. I remember these, they're great! They were very BIG Vinyl Figures of Batman, Robin, & Joker made by a toy company called Applause. The cool thing was that they went with a "retro comic book" look. ( I have the 2 Crime Fighters but I'm missing the Villain, ha ha! ) Now, when I say "BIG", they were around 13" tall, maybe a little bigger, & came with a display stand to hold them up. So, what do you think about these wallpapers? Love them? Hate them? I think they're kinda fun & I wanna thank the people who submitted them.