Wow! Check out this amazing "1966 Batman TV Show Tribute" Tattoo!! This was submitted by our friend Sarah who lives in Austria. This tattoo took over a year to create with 8 different trips to the Tattoo Shop. Now, that's dedication right there, ha! But it was worth it because it's a beautiful piece of ART. The details are insane! It features Batman ( Adam West ), Robin The Boy Wonder ( Burt Ward ), The Joker ( Cesar Romero ), the 1966 BATMAN TV Show Logo, & even the famous Red Bat-Phone! I think the artist did a great job on the rendering of the character's faces because they look EXACTLY like the original actors! Plus, the coloring & over-all composition is very excellent ( Be sure to click on the above photo for a larger, more detailed, pic ). I wanna thank Sarah for sharing her personal story & photo...great stuff! I also want to invite any old or new Bat-Blog Fans who get some ink done to send us some pictures, Thanks.