Our friend Adrian saw this awesome Batman Tattoo while he was at the 2010 San Diego Comic Con last week & he said the 1st thing he thought of was the Bat-Blog! Oh man, that's incredible! I don't mean for this to sound conceited or anything, but I seem to hear this a lot lately. The fact that when people see some cool Batman thing they instantly think about my blog. Really, it's the greatest compliment in the world, ever! Sorry, I was sort of proud of that & thought I would mention it but I'm not getting a big head about it or anything ( my autograph just went up to 50 bucks, get yours now ). Ha Ha! Alright, back to this great tattoo art! OK the first thing I noticed is this. One, the art is borrowed from some original comic book artwork done by Jim Lee. So that's cool because his work is totally great. Second, I like the simple color palette of just red & black. "Red" being for the blood of the criminal scum that Batman just beat to a pulp, ha! Adrian, thank you so much for taking the time to shoot these pictures. I really appreciate that. If the Bat-Blog is any good at all it's because of awesome contributions by it's readership, I sincerely mean that.