OK, I saw this on the web recently & had to totally show it off because Chuck is a friend & an amazing artist! Here is a small BUST STATUE of BATMAN done in a Retro -Vintage style. It's made to look kind of like the old comic book art from the past. Plus, it's modeled after the 1966 Adam West TV version of the character. Personally, I think this thing is incredibly well done & a Total Masterpiece! It's shown here in 3 versions: Painted & two done in Raw Colors. The 2 colors are PALE GRAY, which makes it look like a fine art statue & brings out a lot of details. Then there is BLUE, which is sort of translucent a little bit & totally reminds me of those MARX TOY Action Figures made in the 1960's. Actually all 3 are really great & if I had to pick a favorite one it would be way too hard to decide. But really, now that I think about it, the painted version is the winner!